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TNAU Gets Patent for Instant Cumbu Food

The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in India has developed new technology and acquired a patent for a ‘ready-to-cook Cumbu mix and food’. This technology allows millet to be processed and packaged without preservatives and also allows millet to re-enter diets, as more easily processed foods such as rice have taken over.


Agricultural Post-harvest Waste Generation and Management for Selected Crops in Minna, Niger State, North Central Nigeria

The Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation recently published the report ‘Agricultural Post-Harvest Waste Generation and Management for Selected Crops in Minna, Niger State, North Central Nigeria’. The report examines the amount of postharvest residues of maize, rice, and groundnuts, as well as implications and methods to reduce and reuse the waste.


Food Processing Curbs Climate Losses for Cameroon’s Women Farmers

In Cameroon, roads also pose serious problems for farmers. Women farmers find that processed agricultural products help prevent heavy PHL that would otherwise occur during the transportation of produce. The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) is providing loans to farmers to enable them to buy more processing technology.  


The Case of Ghana’s President Special Initiative on Oil Palm

The former President of the Republic of Ghana urges a focus on palm oil production as a means of creating food security in sub-Saharan countries. Farmers in these countries face high PHL and are in need of other means of generating income. South-East Asian countries have experienced a reduction in poverty levels and employment growth due to […]


Uganda: Technology to Take Advantage of High Food Prices Introduced

“Government has launched a technology-adaptation and transfer scheme, where local welders are to be employed to fabricate post-harvest agricultural production technology for use in the sector, which is said to have started attracting youth.” The other machines included maize cob sorters and sorghum threshers. The scheme is expected to improve on skills of local fabricators, especially […]
