Kenya faces serious smuggling problems, all while reserves have dropped to levels sufficient enough for only two months. 4.5 million bags need to be imported to Kenya due to the shortage and the government is counting on an early harvest to abate the problem.
Archive | maize/corn
RSS feed for this sectionStanbic Bank Supports Uganda’s Agriculture Sector
Stanbic Bank Uganda lending $25 million for the purpose of purchasing agricultural machinery and ag development. Result of participation at the “Agriculture Finance Conference in Kampala, Uganda late last month, where more than 300 international and local agriculture finance experts as well as central governors of 10 African central banks converged to discuss agriculture finance issues. […]
Assessment of Postharvest Losses of Some Selected Crops in Eight Local Government Areas of River States in Nigeria
New report analyzes postharvest losses of selected crops in 8 local government areas in Nigeria. Although dealing mainly with vegetables, maize is highlighted as well. Works Cited includes some other resources to consider.
Uganda: Technology to Take Advantage of High Food Prices Introduced
“Government has launched a technology-adaptation and transfer scheme, where local welders are to be employed to fabricate post-harvest agricultural production technology for use in the sector, which is said to have started attracting youth.” The other machines included maize cob sorters and sorghum threshers. The scheme is expected to improve on skills of local fabricators, especially […]
Maize Stocks Fall Sharply with Rise in Smuggling
Smuggling is yet another cause for PHL as one million bags of maize have disappeared and are thought to have been sent to southern Sudan. Accordingly, prices have doubled, stocks have decreased significantly, and the import duty on maize was waived so that the country could meet the demand of its citizens.