BADM 310: Management and Organizational Behavior
Course Description
This course presents a general analysis of management and organizational behavior from a systems point of view, including classical organizational theory and management, organizational behavior, and management science; environmental forces; planning, organizing, and control processes; motivation, incentives, leadership, communication, and interpersonal relations; and discussion of production and decision-making and mathematical models.
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Course Goals
- To gain a basic understanding of individual behavior in organizations and of management – planning, controlling, leading and organizing.
- To develop a working vocabulary regarding these subjects and to become familiar with theories and concepts regarding them.
- To understand the application of course concepts to real world management and organizational behavior problems.
Instructor Information
Professor Shahbaz Shabbir Gill
Department of Business Administration
Welcome Video
Activity Summary
A week in this course typically includes completing readings, watching online videos, submitting online quizzes, participating in discussion forums, analyzing cases, and interacting with an online simulation related to change management. Periodic online exams are also a component of the course.
Required Materials
- Management by Jones, 11e: ISBN Loose-leaf with Connect: 9781307512328 Authors: Jones & George.
Additional Materials
- Information on accessing the following materials will be presented in the Compass course site:
- McGraw-Hill Connect
- Harvard Business School Change Management Simulation