Post Docs

Dr. Eleanor J. Junkins

Eleanor was trained at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Department of Psychology social-personality division working with Dr. Jaime Derringer in the Etiology of Personality and Individual Characteristics (EPIC) lab. Currently, she is the Relationships in Context program postdoctoral researcher working towards defining sociocultural context within research and developing future steps for the field of relationship science incorporating context. Across research interests, an overarching theme is representing the diversity of human expression and experience.

Recent Citations:

Junkins, E. J., Dugan, K., Chehab, S., Han, S., Liu, T., Yuan, J., & Derringer, J. (2024). Systematic Review of Queer People and Minority Identities in Romantic Relationships Research. Psychology & Sexuality.

Junkins, E. J., Pantin, K. & Derringer, J. (2024). Personality across Broader Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities in an Online Convenience Sample. Journal of Research in Personality.