Survey Results

Get more information about how we created and conducted the survey on the “About the Survey” page

Two hundred and fifty two surveys were returned and a wide variety of majors and classes were represented across undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels.

chart showing academic level in school - Freshman 13%, Sophomore 15%, Junior 18%, Senior 24%, Graduate 14%, Doctoral 15%, Other 1%

It was expressly stated in the survey that although all input is valued, but there are no implied promises that any particular features can be delivered.

The feedback was then categorized, quantified, and shared with members of the larger campus mobile steering group, including members of the campus Academic Mobility Advisory Group. Those results can be found in the “Survey Results Summary” below.

What students actually said…

Some of the best information came from the open-ended questions, which allowed students to answer in their own words. Check out their answers for “Top Ideas for what is missing on campus” and for “Additional Feature Requests that we didn’t include in our survey

The Full Survey Results

If you are interested in seeing the full detailed survey results, check out the 524 Page PDF report.


Survey Results Summary


Mobile Student Survey


Question #1: Top improvement ideas

What is your top idea or request to improve your mobile computing experience at UIUC? This is your chance to tell us exactly what you think is missing from your mobile experience”

Actual Answers:

View the students’ answers to this open-ended question

Common Themes:

1 Wireless network strength, speed and access 45%
2 An enterprise app for the UIUC campus 10%
3 Make campus websites mobile-friendly 7%
4 Make vendor apps mobile friendly (Blackboard, Moodle) 7%
5 View grades and class schedule 5%
6 View campus events calendar 5%
7 View student account balances 5%
8 View operating hours for facilities 3%
9 Improve wireless printing capabilities 3%
10 Provide better collaboration tools 3%
11 Provide windows phone apps 2%
12 Miscellaneous requests 5%


Question #2: Mobile feature ratings


“Please RATE how USEFUL each of these features would be on a smartphone, pad or tablet” (High, Medium or Low)


1 View class schedule 78%
2 View grades/scores 74%
3 Campus maps 67%
4 Course content throughout semester 62%
5 Register for a course 62%
6 Build your schedule 60%
7 View student account balances 59%
8 Campus events schedule and info 59%
9 Safety alerts and contacts 58%
10 Advisor appointments 54%
11 Drop a course 51%
12 View academic history 48%
13 DARS Audit / Major/Minor requirements 44%
14 Collaboration tools 42%
15 Instructor feedback 40%
16 Help with projects, papers, research 39%
17 Office hours 38%
18 Library services 35%
19 Computer lab and assistance tools 32%
20 Technical Support 28%
21 Employment help (Student work or career) 27%


Question #3: Additional feature suggestions

Enter any additional features that we didn’t cover in the options above that you think would be useful on a smartphone, pad or tablet?

Actual Answers:

View the students’ answers to this open-ended question

Common Themes:

  1. Improve the wireless network’s reliability and access
  2. Integrate Google maps into all campus maps
  3. Provide an MTD app
  4. Consolidate most-used features into a single enterprise app
  5. Improve the mobile-friendliness of the campus email app
  6. Provide app that enables students to connect with others who’ve already taken a particular course


Question #4: Daily device usage

Check the device(s) you use daily?

Smartphone 94%
Laptop 93%
Lab or desktop computer 30%
Pad / Tablet 29%

Question #5: App platform preferences

“Which method would you prefer for accessing academic and campus information on a smartphone, pad or tablet?

Either option is fine with me, as long as I can find the information 40%
I prefer a mobile app I can download from an app store 38%
I prefer a mobile friendly website I can view from my device’s web browser (i.e. Safari, FireFox, Chrome, IE) 18%