Welcome to the home page for our research project on the experiences of military couples during the transition from deployment to reunion!
We are working to learn more about the ingredients of a successful homecoming for returning service members and their families. Our goal is to investigate how military couples can maintain satisfying relationships during the transition from deployment to reintegration.
This project is being funded by the U.S Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs, through the Military Operational Medicine Research Program (Award No. W81XWH-14-2-0131) and the University of Illinois. The co-investigator is Dr. Lynne Knobloch-Fedders from Marquette University.
Recruitment for the project was open from April 2014 until August 2015. A total of 555 military couples completed an online questionnaire once per month for eight consecutive months upon reunion. Our research team is working to analyze the results and identify evidence-based recommendations for military families.
Although the study is not enrolling new participants, our lab has another project underway. We would love for you to get involved in that project!
To learn about how to sign up for our new study, please visit http://publish.illinois.edu/military-family-research/