Mesoscale modeling with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model [ATMS 597R Spring 2016]

Click on the posts at left to access the course information, which was last offered in Spring 2016.  We used the XSEDE resource gordon (thanks NSF/XSEDE for the 60,000 hour education grant!) for running the NCAR/NCEP Weather Research and Forecasting Model (as well as our local linux cluster keeling), but the tools should be generic to any linux machine.

Data analysis tools are developed in python (using Anaconda python, thanks Continuum Analytics!, as well as other open source software authors).  A github repository called pymesomodel with much of the python code used in the course (intended to be a community resource) is available here.  If you have any comments on the course or want to contribute to the tools in pymesomodel, contact me.


Prof. Steve Nesbitt
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
105 S. Gregory St., MC223, Urbana, IL 61801-3070 USA
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