Amy’s new teaching tool, “A bioinformatics pipeline to explore transcriptional regulation in plants”, is now available online. This modular tool explores generation of a co-expression network and network analysis for transcriptional regulation. You can read more about this tool in the blog post here and access the resources on this page.
Scientific American publishes an article on Crops in silico
Here is a link to the article.
Amy and Katy funded by NSF to study medicago/rhizobia mutualisms!
NSF IOS Award #1645875 Systems genetics of symbiotic quality in legume-rhizobium mutualism. We are going to build “symbiosis networks” using genomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic data to determine the molecular underpinnings of high and low partner quality in the medicago/sinorhizobium mutualism. Can I get a woo woo! Go team!
FFAR funds Crops in silico
The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) has awarded Principal Investigator Amy Marshall-Colón, Assistant Professor of Plant Biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, $274,000 to continue her research in support of Crops in silico (Cis), a project to develop a suite of virtual plant models that may help resolve a growing gap read more
Amy and Ursulla were one of five groups to win the Teaching Tools in Plant Biology competition.
Check out the blog post announcement here!
Cell article featured in Science Daily.
Write up on the Cell article with S. Long and XG Zhu.
MC lab featured at The Art of Science 6.0
See some pictures from the event at Smile Politely. Sachin is on point in a yellow bow tie.
Amy was featured in the IGB newsletter.
You can check out her interview here.