
At Purdue University, I created a course that allows graduate teaching assistants to document and reflect on their experiences (ENE 687). This course fulfills some requirements of several teaching certificate programs. I also developed a course on academic writing for graduate students in engineering education. In the fall semester, I typically taught the Engineering Education Foundations course for new doctoral students.

At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, I regularly taught an introductory course for first-year students (ECE 110); undergraduate courses on digital logic (ECE 290) and professional ethics (CS 210, ECE 316); and a graduate course on college teaching (EOL 585). I created courses on technology and society (CHP 396), distributed computing (ECE 428), formal methods (ECE 478), and computational complexity (ECE 579). I collaborated with colleagues to develop a course on digital information technologies for students outside engineering (ECE 101) and two half-hour movies that dramatize case studies in engineering ethics. I mentored students for the Leadership Certificate Program and conducted short programs across the campus on engineering ethics, research ethics, and college teaching. I organized and led national workshops on teaching for new faculty in 1995 and 2000.

Teaching statement and other resources

Recently taught courses

  • CHP 395, Professional Ethics
  • CHP 396, Technology, Communication, and Contemporary Society
  • CS 210, Ethical and Professional Issues in Computer Science
  • ECE 101, Exploring Digital Information Technologies
  • ECE 110, Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Video of lab
  • ECE 290, Computer Engineering I (digital systems, computer organization)
  • ECE/Philosophy 316 (formerly 216), Engineering Ethics
    ASEE Prism article
  • ECE 390 (formerly 291), Computer Engineering II (assembly language, real time computing)
  • EOL 585 (formerly 490 TC), College Teaching and Academic Careers
  • ENE 595, Engineering Education Foundations
  • ENE 687, Mentored Teaching in Engineering
  • ENE 695, Academic Writing in Engineering Education

General advice for graduate students

Advice on writing and publishing

Advice on posters

Advice on presentations

Advice on writing proposals

Advice on writing literature reviews

Advice on reviewing

Advice on the curriculum vitae

Advice on mentoring

Information for middle school and high school students