January Library Office Notes






ANNOUNCEMENTS: University Librarian Note

With this January edition of Library Office Notes I’m pleased to welcome you back to campus to get ready for the start of spring semester. I hope you enjoyed some restorative downtime over the winter break. Read more…

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cheers for Peers

I have been cheered

Library Human Resources is happy to announce this month’s Cheers for Peers submissions. The following Library employees have been cheered by their peers:

  • Christina Bonse
  • Beth Lewis
  • Jake MacGregor
  • Kim Johnson
  • Mary Laskowski
  • Laura Eichelberger
  • Jennifer Gavel
  • Anthony Stewart
  • Rhonda Jurinak
  • Karen Huck
  • Stuart Albert
  • Michael Cleveland

To view the detailed Cheers for Peers submissions please view the Growing People blog.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Did You Know? A Monthly Factoid from Library Assessment

Graph showing circulation at the Main Library for different units, showing a significant dip between 2020-2022

The Main Library recently celebrated its 100th year and there have been many changes since the first book was checked out. While it is called the Main Library, it is actually made up of many libraries, study spaces, and services. The Main Library houses circulating collections in the History, Philosophy, and Newspapers Library (HPNL), Literature and Languages Library, Social Sciences, Health and Education Library (SSHEL), Map Library, and last but not least the Main Stacks.

These spaces have continued to evolve to adapt to the changes on campus and beyond. Whilst e-books have been increasing, the circulation of physical books has slowly been decreasing. The graph shows a logarithmic analysis trend over a 10-year period. Between 2020-2022 there was an even sharper decrease due to the pandemic. Nonetheless, from that time the checkout or initial circulation has slowly recovered.

*This graph excludes non-circulating special collections and circulation activities at the International and Area Studies Library (IAS), Teaching, Learning and Academic Support (TLAS) and the Media Commons (formerly Scholarly Commons). IAS does not have a circulating collection except a modest circulating new books collection. TLAS and the Media Commons circulate primarily loanable technology.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Recognizing Excellence

Please share your award, recognition, or grant! To initiate a request for publicity, employees (or their supervisors) should submit this Awards/Recognitions/Grants Publicity Request Form.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Senior Administrative Team Meeting Minutes

Please see the detailed meeting minutes as follows:

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Collection Development Committee Notes

The most recent meeting minutes of the CDC are posted at:

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Content Access Policy & Technology Meeting Minutes

The meeting minutes of CAPT (including workgroup reports) are posted at:

FACILITIES NEWS: Facilities Update

Tim Newman, Assistant Dean of Libraries for Facilities

For a complete list of projects in planning and construction, please visit wordpress.library.illinois.edu/staff/facilities.

BUSINESS NEWS: Is it a Contract or an Honoraria?

Kim Johnson, Associate Director of Fiscal Operations

Contracts are negotiated prior to the service, while honoraria are issued after the service with no prior commitment.


A contract is an agreement between the system and one or more other parties, creating obligations that are legally recognizable or enforceable. A contract may or may not require the transfer of funds, the transfer of tangible property, and/or the issuance of a purchase order.

Payments to contractors must be made in full compliance with all United States government and State of Illinois laws, orders and regulations. Specific issues related to payments are referenced throughout this section.

These can also be known as Professional and Artistic Services contracts.

From < https://www.busfin.uillinois.edu/bfpp/section-17-consultants-contractors/section-17-1>


An honorarium is a monetary token of appreciation for participation in an activity. It is not a contractual obligation to pay for services rendered. Honoraria cannot be paid to a University employee or to an organization. The University of Illinois System reports honorarium payments to the IRS on Form 1099-MISC.

From < https://www.busfin.uillinois.edu/bfpp/section-8-payments-reimbursements/request-payment-honoraria>


  • Complete Library Non-Employee Honorarium/Award Request
  • Guest will be screened through Export Control per University Policy ( https://cam.illinois.edu/policies/rp-08/)
  • If Guest passes screening, then the Business Office will contact them to set up a Vendor Profile with the University
    • If Guest doesn’t pass screening, the requester will be notified that we are unable to pay guest.
  • If paying via contract, the Business Office will setup a Purchase Order and will reach out to the requester after service date to verify services were rendered.
  • If paying via honoraria, the Business Office will pay the dedicated amount to the guest after the vendor profile has been set up.

BUSINESS NEWS: Grant Interest Notification Form

Are you thinking about applying for a grant? Please let us know by completing Grant Interest Notification Form.

HR NEWS: Filled Positions

  • Anna Schlaack – Cataloging and Metadata Librarian – Acquisitions and Cataloging Services– 01/27/2025

HR NEWS: Departures

  • Arianna Adkins – Library Specialist – Acquisitions and Cataloging Services – last day was 11/29
  • Lee Galaway – Academic Professional – Library IT – Retiring 12/31/2024

HR NEWS: Civil Service Vacancies

  • Library Specialist – Latin American and Western European Ordering/Cataloging – Language Specialty with Acquisitions and Cataloging Services – Posted
  • Senior Audio, Video, and Emerging Technology Specialist – Library IT – Posted
  • Web Application Developer – Library IT – Interviewing
  • Accounting I – Business & Human Resource Service Center – Interviewing

HR NEWS:  Academic Professional and Faculty Open Postings

  • Clinical Assistant Prof, Sousa Archives and Center for American Music – Interviewing
  • Medical & Biomedicine Librarian – Grainger Engineering Library – Interviewing
  • Archives Program Officer (AP) – University Archives – Interviewing
  • Applied Health Sciences Librarian – SSHEL – Posted

HR NEWS: In Memoriam

EVENTS AND TRAINING: Staff Events Calendar

To see the most up-to-date staff events calendar, please visit uiuc.libcal.com/calendar/staff.

EVENTS AND TRAINING: Annual Library Recognition Event

January 7 at 8:00–10:00 a.m.

The Library will celebrate the accomplishments and hard work on Tuesday, January 7, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. as a hybrid event at the I-Hotel Conference Center. The Library will be offering a breakfast buffet including vegan and gluten-free options to Library employees at the I-Hotel Conference Center starting at 8 a.m. In-person registration is closed. Those planning to attend via Zoom, please use the online registration to receive the link

EVENTS AND TRAINING: Project 2025 and Its Consequences for Libraries

January 7 at 1:00–2:00 p.m.

Libraries face unprecedented political attacks targeting their very existence. States across the country have introduced legislation directly targeting school and public libraries, librarians, and the materials they provide. While academic libraries may not be the immediate focus, policies impacting education, research, funding, and DEI programs will have a profound impact on their operations and services.

Understanding the political landscape and the implications of policies like Project 2025 is crucial. This initiative threatens to dismantle the First Amendment, reshape the public sphere, and undermine the fundamental principles that support libraries. By targeting libraries, this project aims to limit access to information, suppress diverse perspectives, and erode the foundations of a democratic society.

To safeguard our libraries, we must actively engage in advocacy and support initiatives that protect their independence, diversity, and essential services. By mobilizing our communities and working together, we can ensure that libraries continue to thrive and serve as vital resources for all Americans. Bring your questions to this timely and informative presentation.

EVENTS AND TRAINING: Instruction Inspiration: Planning & Sharing Session (Library Instruction Collective)

January 14 at 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

Planning to teach in the spring semester? Then come join the Library Instruction Collective on January 14 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. in Main 106 for time, space, and food to work on your teaching materials!  

The first hour will be dedicated quiet time with soft music to work on anything teaching related such as writing lesson plans, drafting a new learning activity, developing an assessment, or planning an instruction-related research project. The second hour will be a time to share spring instruction plans with colleagues as well as the opportunity to receive feedback upon request. 

Snacks, coffee, and tea will be available the entire time in Main Library 106. Feel free to come for all or part of the session. Walk-ins are welcome, but registering in advance will help us estimate the amount of food needed.

EVENTS AND TRAINING: OER Ancillary Creation with Generative AI

January 14 at 1:00–2:00 p.m.

In this webinar, we will consider strategies for using AI to generate ancillary materials from OER texts. Rebecca McNulty and Lily Dubach, University of Central Florida, will begin with sharing questions to consider before using AI in conjunction with OER, including current guidelines on Creative Commons licensing. With those questions in mind, we’ll workshop approaches to using a variety of AI tools to support content creation and revision while still prioritizing human oversight and expertise in all steps of the generative process. We will also discuss current complexities surrounding copyright, ethical uses of AI, and associated questions as they continue to evolve. By the end of the webinar, participants will gain practical skills for selecting and using AI tools to create ancillary materials, along with strategies for considering licensing through content development.

EVENTS AND TRAINING: Online Bachelor of Liberal Studies library information session

January 14 at 2:00–3:00 p.m.

Learn about the new Online Bachelor of Liberal Studies degree, which launches in Spring 2026, and discuss options for building library e-learning support. The meeting is in Main Library 106 and hybrid on Zoom.

EVENTS AND TRAINING: Library Grant Writing Basics: An Overview

January 22 at 10:00–11:00 a.m.

Anne Craig, Senior Director at CARLI, will assist participants to: identify sources of grant funding from private and public funders; highlight the essential elements of grantsmanship; complete a grant proposal application package according to a Notice of Funding Opportunity; take action on the proposal based on the results of the funder’s decision; and understand the most common missteps in preparing an application package.


EVENTS AND TRAINING: A Sacrifice to Truth: John Flamsteed, Isaac Newton and the destruction of the 1712 Historia Coelestis

January 30 at 7:00–8:30 p.m.

The Rare Book & Manuscript Library welcomes Jason Dean, Vice President for Collections and Public Services at the Linda Hall Library, for a live presentation over Zoom on Thursday, January 30, 2025, from 7:00–8:30 p.m. This virtual event is free and all are welcome to register and attend. Please sign up to receive the Zoom link at go.illinois.edu/JasonDean.

In the spring of 1716, the Astronomer Royal, John Flamsteed, built a pyre on Greenwich Hill near the Royal Observatory. From a safe vantage point, he watched with satisfaction as pages from a book he wrote went up in flames, calling them a good “sacrifice to TRUTH.” The series of events that led to Flamsteed’s furious burning of the copies of that edition involved some of the most powerful members of the early Royal Society, including Isaac Newton and Edmond Halley, all embroiled in professional jealousy, intellectual theft, and clandestine printing.


EVENTS AND TRAINING: The Power of Appraisal: Selecting Archives

January 31 at 1:00–3:00 p.m.

Before donations arrive in your archives, the first step is appraising the item – does it fit your organization’s mission? Can the item(s) be stored appropriately and cared for?  What if this did not happen before you accepted the collection, and it’s on the shelves—it happens to everyone.  Appraisal often refers to the time spent assessing existing records for their potential to be retained as part of the historical record in your archives. Sometimes, this is done as part of surveying one’s holdings or even when processing a collection. 

This 2-hour webinar will discuss the different values assigned to archives to help you better understand the appraisal principles and introduce techniques to identify records necessary for adequate documentation. A case study will be presented on a recent appraisal project, followed by a discussion and questions.

Library Office Notes will be distributed via the liballemployee listserv beginning with the November 2024 edition.

If you would like to submit content for the February issue of Library Office Notes, please submit it to Heather Murphy and Marisa Modugno by Tuesday, January 28, 2025.