December Library Office Notes






ANNOUNCEMENTS: University Librarian Note

I hope you all had a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving break. Whether you traveled, spent time with loved ones, or simply took a moment for yourself, I hope it recharged you for the weeks ahead. I was able to get to visit with my husband’s extended family in Texas, a real treat and a visit that helped me recenter a bit. Read more…

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cheers for Peers

I have been cheered

Library Human Resources is happy to announce this month’s Cheers for Peers submissions. The following Library employees have been cheered by their peers:

  • Mary Ton
  • Ben Stone
  • Michelle Self-Ballard
  • Quinita Balderson
  • Siobhan McKissic
  • Kate Struckman-Johnson

To view the detailed Cheers for Peers submissions please view the Growing People blog.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Did You Know? A Monthly Factoid from Library Assessment

Graph showing 5 library services or resources that most students have not heard of. 385 students: attending a library event (virtual/in-person). 381 students: attending a library workshop or class instruction (virtual/in-person). 117 students: consultation with a librarian (virtual/in-person). 109 students: access films, artifacts, or other physical media. 109 students: access datasets/research data.

Introducing library services and resources to students remains to be an important but challenging task. The 2024 Library Service Satisfaction Survey showed major library services and resources to the respondents and asked if they have used them (easy, difficult or neither), have never used them, or have never HEARD of them. One in six respondents have never heard of the Library’s information services to groups such as events, workshops or class instruction. More importantly, the respondents who have never heard of the library events/workshops/class instruction were three times more than those who have never heard of specialized resources such as datasets. 

Marketing library services to college students and connecting them at the time of need is harder than many think. Many students know to come to the Library to use materials because it is part of the universally recognized “library brand.” Are there really more students who have heard of the Library’s film collection or datasets? Perhaps. However, the survey results show that we need to continuously invest and promote our services that support student learning. Like one respondent suggested: “I know y’all do this, but I wish there was more info out there about all the services the library and the university provides for it’s students… ” 

Data Source: 2024 Library Service Satisfaction Survey. The survey was administered from October 21 to November 13, 2024. 50,000 undergraduate and graduate students were invited to participate, and 2,947 students responded (6% response rate). More data analysis will be available in Spring 2025.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Recognizing Excellence

Please share your award, recognition, or grant! To initiate a request for publicity, employees (or their supervisors) should submit this Awards/Recognitions/Grants Publicity Request Form.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Senior Administrative Team Meeting Minutes

Detailed meeting minutes will be provided next month.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Collection Development Committee Notes

The most recent meeting minutes of the CDC are posted at:

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Content Access Policy & Technology Meeting Minutes

The meeting minutes of CAPT (including workgroup reports) are posted at:

FACILITIES NEWS: Facilities Update

Tim Newman, Assistant Dean of Libraries for Facilities

For a complete list of projects in planning and construction, please visit

BUSINESS NEWS: Travel Procedures

Kim Johnson, Associate Director of Fiscal Operations

Travel Procedures: Request approval from Unit Head/Dean for travel for Domestic and International travel (depending on reporting line) in the form of an email

For International Travel:

  • It is the responsibility of the employee to ensure their passport/travel documents will be valid for the time-period of travel*
  • Review the “International Safety and Security” webpage to confirm if their destination needs to have additional approval for those ‘high-risk destinations’ including enrolling in international insurance.
  • Required: Enrollment in International Travel insurance. It is free for Faculty and Staff on University business. International Safety and Security manages the insurance enrollment process. Consult the Policy on Health and Safety in Study Abroad for more information.
    • This includes, but is not limited to, business trips, conferences, faculty exchanges, faculty-led study abroad programs, teaching, research, service, or sabbaticals. 
    • Failure to enroll in international travel insurance may result in non-reimbursement of travel expenses.
  • Complete the Professional Development Funding and Travel Form
    • Attach all approvals from Unit Head/Dean, including approved International Petition (if applicable)

Once the form is submitted, the form will be automatically emailed to the Business Office via email ( The Business Office will review the form and if funding is approved, the requester will receive an approval email with directions and then they can either:

  • Request a meeting with the Business Office staff member listed in the email, to prepay for flight, hotel, and registration fees (per diem, taxi/Uber or Lyft/car rental or mileage will need to be requested as a reimbursement after the travel has occurred). If the combination of flight, hotel and registration fees goes above the professional development allotment, then the Business Office will only pay for amounts up to the allotment and not over. The employee will be responsible for any charges that go above the allotment.
  • Employee pays for everything and seeks reimbursement after travel has concluded.
    • Please see the Travel Checklist for to help with receipts and other documentation needed to be reimbursed

Upon your return, please submit a request for reimbursement, use the Purchasing and Reimbursement App.

  • In the approval email from the Business Office, a C-FOP will be provided for the funding source and the instructions will be attached to the email. (Please see the Reimbursements policy for further directions)
    • Requests are typically processed within 3 business days of us receiving the approval from the Purchasing App
    • Per University policy, all employee reimbursements will be processed through Chrome River. Please assist the Business Office staff and reply promptly to any correspondence regarding Chrome River access.
  • Reimbursements could take up to 4 to 6 weeks from the time it’s submitted, due to Payables workload
  • Returned expense reports will be made the priority to complete
  • Please note that per diem is not allowed for one day trips

*The university system will accommodate travelers when travel is interrupted due to personal illness, accident, flight cancellation, or severe weather as these are beyond the traveler’s control, but the system cannot cover additional expenses that are within the traveler’s control.

BUSINESS NEWS: Grant Interest Notification Form

Are you thinking about applying for a grant? Please let us know by completing Grant Interest Notification Form.

HR NEWS: Filled Positions

  • Grace Flavin – Human Resources Representative – Business & Human Resource Service Center – 11/04/2024

HR NEWS: Departures

  • Debora Pfeiffer – Senior Library Specialist – Acquisitions and Cataloging Services – Retired 10/31/2024
  • Lee Galaway – Academic Professional – Library IT – Retiring 12/31/2024

HR NEWS: Civil Service Vacancies

  • Web Application Developer – Library IT – Interviewing
  • Accounting I – Business & Human Resource Service Center – Posting Soon
  • Senior Audio, Video, and Emerging Technology Specialist – Library IT – Posting Soon

HR NEWS:  Academic Professional and Faculty Open Postings

  • Clinical Assistant Prof, Sousa Archives and Center for American Music – Interviewing
  • Archives Program Officer (AP) – University Archives – Interviewing
  • Medical & Biomedicine Librarian – Grainger Engineering Library – Interviewing Soon
  • Applied Health Sciences – SSHEL – Posting Soon

EVENTS AND TRAINING: Staff Events Calendar

To see the most up-to-date staff events calendar, please visit

EVENTS AND TRAINING: Women in Science Lecture: Dr. Sepideh Sadaghiani

Associate Professor of Psychology, Dr. Sadaghiani will discuss her research on large-scale neurocognitive networks, functional connectivity, and cognitive control.

Join us on Zoom ( or at the University Archives (146 Main Library, 1408 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana)

December 5 at 12:00–1:00 p.m.


The Reference Management Team will be holding Fall 2024 Hub Trainings. The October sessions are listed below as well as in the Staff Calendar and on the welcome page for the Canvas course (see below).

We will once again be having one in-person session and one held via Zoom for each topic, with sessions taking place on Mondays from 2-3 p.m. and Fridays from 3-4 p.m. The same content is presented in both sessions so you can attend either the Monday or the Friday session. Registration is not required (Civil Service non-exempt staff should get permission from their supervisor before planning to attend).

To enroll in the Canvas course associated with Hub Training, use this link: . The course includes materials and recordings from past Hub Training sessions and will be updated to include the Fall 2024 sessions.

  • December 9 at 2 PM & December 13 at 3 PM: AI in Reference

EVENTS AND TRAINING: RBML Open House and Holiday Party

December 12 at 3:00–5:00 p.m.

Come and celebrate the semester’s end with hot apple cider, sweet and salty treats, and some of our favorite winter-themed materials from the RBML vault. Make a button, relax with a coloring sheet, and leave with a letterpress poetry card! This event is part of the library’s biannual Reading Day De-Stress Fest; it is open to the public and refreshments will be served. 

EVENTS AND TRAINING: Annual Library Recognition Event

January 7 at 9:00–10:00 a.m. (breakfast buffet starting at 8:00 a.m.)

Please see Susan Breakenridge’s December 2 email to the liballemployee listserv for complete event details and registration information.

Library Office Notes will be distributed via the liballemployee listserv beginning with the November 2024 edition.

If you would like to submit content for the January issue of Library Office Notes, please submit it to Heather Murphy and Marisa Modugno by Thursday, December 19, 2024.