November Library Office Notes






ANNOUNCEMENTS: University Librarian Note
I recently attended two meetings as a representative for the Big Ten Academic Alliance and the University. These meetings related to negotiating “transformative agreements” in academic publishing, and I found myself surprised by the progress of work in this area–sufficiently surprised that I thought it would be helpful to initiate discussions here about the implications of this progress. Read more…
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Library Building Project Update – 11/1/2019
Tom Teper, Associate Dean for Collections and Technical Services

Committees and Working Groups – Programming the Main Library
In September, the Programming the Main Library Working Group concluded its series of scheduled meetings with all units projected to be part of the Main Library Building post-construction. Intended to provide an open setting in which any attendees can learn about the project, voice concerns, and provide additional input into the process, members of the working group heard impressions about the project and its vision, learned about perceived strengths and weaknesses, and generally sought to develop a better understanding of how the proposed models would influence further discussions. Next steps in this process include beginning analysis of the feedback.

During September, members of the working group reviewed and submitted comments on the preferred scenario received from JLK and brightspot.

Kirstin Johnson chairs the working group, and more information on its efforts can be found here: Questions or comments can be directed to the group at any time.

Committees and Working Groups – Collection Management Working Group
Taking over from the Managing the Library’s Collections WG, the Library’s standing Collection Management Working Group met in September to begin digesting recommendations from the project WG and integrating some of the recommendations into its broader operations.

The Managing the Library’s Collections Working Group’s final recommendations are here: Ongoing communications about the Collection Management WG’s work will be forthcoming.

Committees and Working Groups – Special Collections Research Center (SCRC)
The Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) Working Group continued meeting through October, and as the month wrapped up met with JLK and brightspot on October 31, 2019. The preferred scenario is expected on November 21, 2019.

Additionally, this working group developed an updated FAQ for the Library Building Project website that specifically addresses aspects of the Special Collections Research Center.

The framework under which these and other working groups directly associated with this project will work is posted here:

Committees and Working Groups – Library Consultation Working Group (Campus Level Cmte)
The LCWG held a townhall on October 10, 2019 in the Illini Union. This well-attended, open forum solicited further feedback and comments from the community about the project and the overall directions outlined for the Main Library that would be included in further project development.

After the final submittal of the Special Collections Research Center preferred scheme on November 21, 2019, the LCWG will meet to discuss the recommendations and to plan next steps for soliciting further feedback from the campus community.

Contracts and Firms – Main Library and Special Collections Research Center
The University Library is working with Chicago-based Johnson, Lasky, Kindelin (JLK) Architects and brightspot to develop the program for the Library Building Project. More information on JLK Architects, including information on other projects they have helped develop, can be found on the company’s website: Brightspot Strategy’s website can be found here:

Following the March 14, 2019 kick-off meeting for the Main Library and the June 19, 2019 kick-off for the Special Collections Research Center, activities moved forward at a reasonable pace with JLK and brightspot personnel. To date, the University has received a final submittal for the Main Library Building and expects to receive the final submittal for the Special Collections Research Center on November 21, 2019.


  • Monthly Updates – Monthly updates about the Library Building Project are distributed via LibNews. These will be posted in a separate section of LON. The intent of both is to ensure open communication of specific information related to the Library Building Project.
  • Library Quarterly Updates – The Library’s next Quarterly Update is scheduled for December 12th, 2019 from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. in 66 Main Library. We anticipate that the live stream provided by the Media Commons will be available at this location:
  • Website – The Library Building Project has a website located at: Here you can read about the vision behind this program, seek answers to many of the Frequently Asked Questions that might arise, and read about upcoming events or project news. You can also submit additional questions to the project team at

Facilities Schedules
The assigned project coordinator from F&S is Dennis Craig. Dennis has been involved in numerous projects across the University Library. He also serves as the Campus Historic Preservation Officer and is serving on the feasibility study being conducted related to the instructional facility that may be situated adjacent to the Main Library as well as initial work related to the Special Collections Building.

As noted earlier, the University Library recently received approval to work with JLK Architects and brightspot strategy. Based on the kick-off date of March 14, 2019, the schedule below represents the most current estimated project timeline for this phase, and it has shifted from last month’s update.

Library Redevelopment Plan Programming and Conceptual Design Study (U18083):

In addition to the Main Library Building project, Dennis Craig prepared a schedule for the first phase of the Special Collections Research Center’s Programming Study. This schedule will be adjusted to accommodate changes in the project schedule; The final report is now expected on November 21, 2019.

Undergraduate Library – Special Collections Facility Programming Study (U19112):

Long-Term Project Schedule
Following the completion of the initial Programming and Conceptual Design phase, the schedule below represents a best guess as to the project schedule through December 2024.

Library Redevelopment – Design/Bid/Build (U20XXX):

Outreach and Engagement
Nothing pending.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Academic Professional Promotion Program
Greg Knott, Assistant Dean of Library for Business Operations

The University Library will offer the Academic Professional (AP) Promotion Program again for eligible APs this coming spring. This is the 2nd year of the two-year pilot program, which was developed to provide more career growth and recognition for Library APs. The AP Promotion Program is intended to be largely self-driven by the AP, in that each individual can choose if and when to seek promotion via self-nomination.

The call for self-nominations will go out on LibNews in early January right after the winter holidays and will be due March 2. In the meantime, APs interested in promotion are strongly encouraged to:

    • Discuss their promotion readiness with their supervisors
    • Review the AP Promotion Program Description for important information about eligibility, promotion criteria, and the promotion process
    • Review the AP Promotion Process page for helpful resources such as sample nominations/letters of support and career development resources
    • Attend office hours to ask questions about the program and seek guidance from the AP Peer Review Promotion Advisory Committee and the BHRSC. Office hours are:

Monday, December 2 from 3 – 4 p.m. in Room 308
Monday, December 9 from 10 – 11 a.m. in Room 308
Tuesday, January 7 from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. in Room 308
Tuesday, January 21 from 3 – 4 p.m. in Room 308
Tuesday, February 4 from 3 – 4 p.m. in Room 308

APs who are interested in promotion are strongly encouraged to be proactive in reviewing the promotion eligibility and criteria. Please talk with your supervisor, and attend office hours as early as possible in the time leading up to and through the self-nomination period for help understanding the promotion criteria and getting your questions answered so that you can make a strong case for your promotion.

Please keep an eye on LibNews, Library Office Notes (LON), & the AP Promotion Process page at for additional information.

Questions can also be emailed to the program coordinator, Jake MacGregor, at Jake will direct questions to the appropriate contact.
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The AFRO-PWW series, produced under the Publishing Without Walls imprint of the Illinois Open Publishing Network at the University Library, has been recognized with an Open Publishing Award for Open Publishing Models. The Open Publishing Award is a new award recognizing achievements in online open access publishing. It is sponsored by the Coko Foundation and features a judging panel from across major open access scholarly publishing initiatives. The AFRO-PWW Series features open access works of digital scholarship related to African American Studies, and is produced in partnership with the Department of African-American Studies and Historically Black Colleges and Universities as part of the Publishing Without Walls Mellon grant program.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Introducing the Illinois Digital Heritage Hub Website
Joshua Lynch, Visiting Metadata Services Specialist for the Illinois Digital Heritage Hub

In late September, the Illinois Digital Heritage Hub (IDHH) launched a new website and search portal. The IDHH is a statewide initiative for harvesting digital collections metadata from institutions around Illinois and for providing this metadata to the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). The project is a collaboration among the Chicago Public Library, the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries of Illinois (CARLI), the Illinois State Library, and the UIUC Library. As of October 2019, 150 institutions contribute more than 315,000 records to the IDHH, numbers that are almost certain to grow.

The IDHH website helps realize the project’s goals of increasing awareness of contributing institutions’ collections and providing greater access to these collections through a one-stop portal to more than 315,000 digital objects from across Illinois. The site also provides a recognizable IDHH web presence for the purpose of providing essential information to folks interested in learning about the project. The site includes resources for several user groups, including new and current contributing institutions and staff, educators and learners, and local history enthusiasts. Site visitors can dive into collections with keyword searches or may browse by options in one of several categories, including Illinois History, Notable Illinoisans, Illinois Communities, Collections by Format, and Partner Institutions. The site also provides documentation and guides for institutions who wish to begin contributing, or for current partners who want to provide new collections or refine their metadata. Additionally, users can save their favorite items to lists that persist on their web browser and may be downloaded for greater convenience.

The IDHH has a strong connection to UIUC. The UIUC Library provides a significant portion of the IDHH’s metadata records directly from its Digital Collections. Moreover, the UIUC Library contributes leadership, staff, and other resources to the initiative. Tim Cole and Tom Teper serve on the IDHH Board. Tim Cole convenes the Organization Model Working Group and provides essential guidance in the development of the IDHH’s technical infrastructure. Myung-Ja Han convenes the IDHH Metadata Working Group and laid the groundwork for harvesting and normalizing metadata records from the contributors network. IDHH Metadata Services Specialists have worked tirelessly to kickoff, sustain and grow the initiative. From 2016 to 2018, Hannah Stitzlein helped onboard contributing institutions, develop metadata standards, and assessed initial providers’ metadata. Joshua Lynch, the current metadata services specialist, has worked with the DPLA and others around the UIUC library and at the IDHH to develop the IDHH website and portal.

Additional features for the IDHH site will be added in the coming months, including improvements to the browsing options, curated topics, and exhibitions. Future development will depend in part on user feedback, and the IDHH invites site visitors to provide their thoughts anonymously in a four-question online survey. We look forward to hearing what people think and are excited to continue building the site and to help broaden the IDHH project. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Joshua Lynch.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Remodel of Room 220 in the Main Library
With the Provost’s $1M commitment to the renovation of 220, we can officially launch the effort. Given the Building Project, we will continue forward, but more in line with a major “refresh” rather than a major “renovation”. This strategy will ready the space for the arrival of the Scholarly Commons, but also leave behind an uncustomized home for another unit should the Scholarly Commons relocate as the Building Project plans progress. Ultimately, we believe this approach gives us maximum flexibility, allows the Scholarly Commons to evolve in long-intended ways, and will stimulate ideas as everyone continues to consider opportunities with the new Building Project.

Details, as they stand now, were shared on LibNews on October 14, 2019. If you missed that email or want more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Karen Hogenboom or Heidi Imker.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Library Staff Support Committee (LSSC) Contact & Comment Form
Are you a Library staff member? Do you have questions, comments, concerns or ideas to share about Library happenings? We’re listening! You can reach us by email at or submit feedback anonymously. Visit the LSSC Web page for more information, including meeting minutes and agendas.

We look forward to hearing from you!
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: ILS Coordination Team Report
The most recent report of the ILS Coordination Team is posted at:
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grant Announcements for External Fundraisers
As always, if you are interested in all grant opportunities across disciplines, feel free to subscribe to the OVCR’s list at

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Heidi Imker or Kathie Veach.

12/04/2019 – Scholarly Editions and Translation Grants
Output: Book, Translation, Edition, Music edition

12/04/2019 – Collaborative Research Grants
Output: Book, Digital Material & Publication, Other Scholarly Resource, Themed issue of peer reviewed journal, Conference, Workshop

01/15/2020 – University of Illinois – Campus Research Board

01/15/2020 – Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections
Output: Preservation Supplies/Equipment, Reports on Preventive Conservation

01/15/2020 – National Digital Newspaper Program
Output: Web Resources, Digitized Newspapers

01/16/2020 – NHPRC – Access to Historical Records: Major Initiatives (Preliminary)

02/01/2020 – IMLS – Collections Assessment for Preservation Program

02/05/2020 – Public Scholar Program
Output: Book

02/13/2020 – Summer Seminars and Institutes for Higher Education Faculty
Output: Conference/Institute/Seminar

02/13/2020 – Summer Seminars and Institutes for K-12 Faculty
Output: Conference/Institute/Seminar

03/04/2020 – University of Illinois – Campus Research Board

03/04/2020 – Institutes for Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities
Output: Conference/Institute/Seminar

04/08/2020 – NEH-Mellon Fellowships for Digital Publication
Output: Digital Material & Publications

05/15/2020 – NEH Research and Development
Output: Web Resources, Report, Computer Program

05/15/2020 – NEH Preservation and Access Education and Training
Output: Preservation Course or Curricular Materials, Conservation Graduate Program, Preservation Workshop, Fellow Positions in Conservation

05/15/2020 – NEH Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants
Output: Buildings, Equipment, Digital Infrastructure

06/19/2020 – NEH Digital Projects for the Public
Output: Game/Simulation, Mobile App, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Website

07/15/2020 – NEH Humanities Collections and Reference Resources
Output: Digitized Collection, Web Resources, Catalogs, Databases, Encyclopedias

08/20/2020 – NEH Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions                Output: Fellowships

09/16/2020 – NEH Humanities Connections Implementation Grants
Output: Linked Courses, Curriculum, Community Partnerships, Faculty Development, Teaching Resources

09/16/2020 – NEH Humanities Connections Planning Grants
Output: Curriculum, Community Partnerships, Faculty development, Teaching Resources
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Did You Know? A Monthly Factoid from Library Assessment






A “Reference Question” is defined as an “information contact that involves the knowledge or use of one or more information sources by library staff” (ISO 2789). While many academic libraries have reported a decline in reference services for the last decade, these continue to be important at the University Library. During the fiscal year 2018, the library provided the most reference and consultation interactions (62,868) among all BTAA libraries and more than many other peer institutions (#14 of 116 ARL university libraries).
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Library Tip of the Month
The Library sends a monthly email to new faculty at Illinois during the fall and spring semesters. These emails introduce many of our services and resources to this important audience.

You can view the October LTOTM at

If you have ideas for future emails, please feel free to share them with Heather Murphy.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Collection Development Committee Notes
The most recent meetings minutes of the CDC are posted at:
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Content Access Policy & Technology Meeting Minutes
The meetings minutes of CAPT (including work group reports) are posted at:
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Recognizing Excellence

Please forward journal editorships or editorial board membership, elected and invited external service appointments, honors, and awards information to Heather Murphy.
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HR NEWS: Departures

  • Nicole Ream Sotomayor, ACS (September 27)

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HR NEWS: Filled Positions

  • Megan Johnson – Library Specialist, Grainger (October 21)

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HR NEWS: Vacancies

  • Library Specialist – ACES
  • Library Specialist – Grainger
  • Office Support Specialist – BHRSC
  • Office Support Specialist – RBML

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HR NEWS: Title Change
As many of you are aware, Lucretia Williams has been promoted as Kim Matherly’s replacement. Her reclassification to Administrative Associate was completed earlier this month, the final step in that process. Congratulations to Lucretia!
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IT NEWS: Purchasing/Vendor Risk Assessment
As part of assessing any purchase of cloud services or software there are a number of criteria that should be evaluated for suitability to your needs and your unit’s tolerance for risk. These items include the solution’s physical location and access control, authentication and authorization, data types involved, criticality to business process, and disaster recovery/business continuity.

Technology Services Office of Privacy and Security has published a survey to assist with this evaluation ( It is recommended to submit this survey as early in your assessment as possible to engage the campus security team. If this survey has not been submitted for a solution that is pursued for purchase, the purchasing process will require that it be completed at that time. Library IT is available to assist with these assessments, and we have a direct relationship with the Technology Services Office of Privacy and Security through our resident IT Security Liaison.

Please submit a ticket to if you would like us to help with a Purchasing/Vendor Risk Assessment.
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Tim Newman, Assistant Dean for Facilities

  1. Reading Room (Rm 200) – Please pardon our dust and the noise, as construction has started on the flooring replacement, and a temporary wall has been erected to mitigate and control dust. Work is starting on the north end of the room and by January it is expected to move to the south end. Completion of the entire room is expected by end of April.
  2. Main Library Information Desk – The 1st floor information desk is progressing on schedule, with completion by January. Framing is complete and utilities will be installed over the next month.

For a complete list of projects in planning and construction, please see:
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Staff Events Calendar
To see the most up-to-date staff events calendar, please visit
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Step Into Virtual Reality
Grainger Engineering Library Idea Lab and the Residence Hall Libraries invite you to STEP INTO VIRTUAL REALITY!  Learn how VR works and play-test Oculus Go, Oculus Quest, Valve Index, and Microsoft Hololens. This workshop is open to all U of I students, staff, and faculty. The workshop will be held on Monday, Nov. 11th from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. in the Student Dining and Residential Programs Building (aka “the Ike,” 301 E. Gregory Drive, Champaign) Room 2003. Please register at
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: One Book One Campus Book Club Discussion
Want to discuss this year’s One Book One Campus selection, Heads of the Colored People by U of I alum Nafissa Thompson-Spires?  Residence Hall Librarian Laura Poulosky will facilitate a book club discussion open to U of I staff, faculty, students and the general public on Wednesday, Nov. 13th from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the Student Dining and Residential Programs Building (aka “the Ike,” 301 E. Gregory Drive, Champaign) Room 2005.
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: NISO Webinar – Implementing Linked Library Data
November 13, 2019
12:00 – 1:30 p.m., 428 Main Library

Libraries have individually labored at the creation, conversion and re-use of data housed at their institutions and in their systems. This session will look at next steps for enlarging those efforts by linking data from multiple initiatives in an effort to broaden its value and functionality to the community. Current initiatives include prototyping efforts aimed at creating new suites of tools as well as enabling libraries to draw from newly unified taxonomies and vocabularies. Pick up on the practical tips and strategies needed to build on modules created by other information professionals!
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EVENTS AND TRAINING: Frederic Goudy & H.G. Wells: The Time Traveler’s Typeface
November 15, 2019
3:00 – 5:00 p.m., 346 Main Library

Typographic Collaboration between Goudy and Wells

Graphic designer Rex Parker will speak about Frederic Goudy’s typographic collaborations with his wife Bertha and with the English author H.G. Wells. Works designed and printed by the Goudys from the Rare Book & Manuscript Library’s collections will be on display at the event. This event is free and open to the public; all are welcome.
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If you would like to submit content for the December issue of Library Office Notes, please submit it to Heather Murphy or Tom Teper by November 22, 2019.