This past fall, our Library faculty and academic professionals travelled across the country and the world to present on a wide variety of topics. As always, we congratulate our researchers on their important contributions to the U of I and to Library and Information Science and other disciplines. A selected bibliography of these presentations is provided below.
Category Archives: Conferences
Summer 2017 Presentations by Library Faculty and Academic Professionals
This past summer, Library faculty and academic professionals presented all over the world on a wide range of topics. The list that follows highlights the places and topics covered at conferences this summer beyond those at the Annual ALA Conference, which were covered in a previous post.
Where to Find Us: University of Illinois Librarians Presenting at ALA Annual 2017
This year the American Library Association Annual conference will be hosted in Chicago, Illinois from June 22-27. The theme is “Transforming Our Libraries, Ourselves.” If you’re there, consider stopping by to see U of I librarians present their work at one of the events below!
Where to Find Us: University of Illinois Librarians Presenting at ACRL 2017
The 2017 Biennial Conference of the Association of College & Research Libraries will include presentations by University of Illinois Library faculty on topics including digital scholarship, data mining, information literacy, digital humanities and more.