The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library faculty and academic professionals presented on several subjects last summer. We would like to congratulate and recognize our researchers on their significant contributions to the University, the Library and Information Science department, and other disciplines. A curated bibliography of these presentations is presented below.
(Links to presentation recordings or materials are provided when available.)
- Bastone, Z., Holland, A., Shearer, J., & Shotick, K. (2024, June 29). Inclusive Scholarly Publishing: Demystifying Processes & Empowering New Scholars. 2024 American Library Association Annual Conference & Exhibition, San Diego, CA, United States.
- Chu, C. M., & Nzomo, P. (2024, June 28). Inclusion, Diversity, User-centeredness and Impact: Library Partners at the Table. Celebration of the International Relations Round Table, 2024 American Library Association Annual Conference & Exhibition, San Diego, CA, United States.
- Hensley, M. K. (2024, June 18). Peer Review and the Student-Led Journal: Teaching Undergraduates How to Give Constructive Feedback [Webinar]. 12th Annual CARLI Instruction Showcase.
- Hughes, A., Weber, C., Rodriguez, A. D., Luke, S. M., Devereaux, J., & McSparran, M. S. (2024, August 15). So Close, Yet So Far Away: Confronting Archival Debt in Siloed Workspaces. Society of American Archivists (SAA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States.
- Jacobsen, A. L. (2024, May 18-21). Case-Based Learning Enhances Engagement, Critical Thinking and Motivation. MLA ’24: Stronger Together, Portland, OR, United States.
- Jacobsen, A. L., Kritek, P. A., & Mookherjee, S. (2024, May 18-21). Integration of a Medical Librarian into a Clinical Teaching Certificate Program Enhances Teaching of Evidence-Based Medical Education. MLA ’24: Stronger Together, Portland, OR, United States.
- Kerby, E. E. (2024, May 6). X Halt Salute: 20+ Years of Equitation Science [Presentation]. USAIN/CBHL 2024 Biennial Meeting; Michigan State University Libraries, Lansing, MI, United States.
- Luke, S. M. (2024, July 1). Striving for Inclusive Description: Strategies for Creating More Representative and Equitable Metadata in Digital Collections [Webinar]. Art Libraries Society of North America and the Visual Resources Association Foundation, Summer Educational Institute.
- Luke, S. M., & Pezzoni, S. (2024, May 29). Repairing the Narrative in Archival Practice [Webinar]. Society of American Archivists, Advanced Topics in Reparative Description series.
- Price, E., Pennavaria, K., & Hensley, M. K. (2024, June 14). Inside the Mind of a Peer Reviewer: A Panel Featuring Peer Reviewers from the Library Writing Cooperative’s First Draft Matchmaker Program [Webinar]. National Article Writing Month, Library Writing Cooperative.
- Rodriguez, A. D., Luke, S. M., Doublet, L., & Kortemeier, S. S. (2024, June 28). Meta-Momentum: Empowering Collaborative Metadata Creation in Special Collections Libraries. Rare Books and Manuscript Section (RBMS) Annual Conference, Costa Mesa, CA, United States.
- Saunders, L., Tewell, E., Scarnecchia, M., Hammond, J., & Hensley, M. K. (2024, June 18). Preparing Future Librarians for Instruction and Advocacy: A Panel Discussion [Webinar]. Ohio State University Library.
- Shearer, J., & Graves, C. (2024, June 5). Welcome Back: Encouraging Collaboration and Student Engagement [Webinar]. Illinois Library Association Noon Network.
- Shearer, J., & Liu, Y. (2024, May 6). Exploring Inclusivity: A diversity audit of life science library exhibits. USAIN/CBHL 2024 Biennial Meeting; Michigan State University Libraries, East Lansing, MI, United States.
- Sroka, M. (2024, June 9). Raising the Iron Curtain: The University of Warsaw American Studies Center and the Cold War U.S.-Polish Cultural and Educational Relations [Paper Presentation]. The 9th World Congress on Polish Studies, Warsaw, Poland.