This past spring, our Library faculty, and academic professionals presented on a wide variety of topics. As always, we congratulate our researchers on their important contributions to the University of Illinois, the Library and Information Science department and other disciplines. A selected bibliography of these presentations is provided below.
- Cabada, Elisandro, William H. Mischo, “Project Komodo: Catalyzing Browser-Based Virtual Reality Teaching and Learning in the Library”, Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Spring Meeting Briefing, March 16, 2021
- —, Brandon C. Dang, William H. Mischo, David Tamayo, and Robert Wallace chosen for the 2021 Best Emerging Technology Application (BETA) Award. Presented by the ALA RUSA Emerging Technologies Section.
- Dryden, Alex, Daniel G. Tracy, “Developing a Press Approach to Omeka S with the Teams Module,” Library Publishing Forum 2021, Online, May 10-14.
- Hagman, Jessica. “ACRL 21: Centering Analysis Strategies and Open Tools for Qualitative Data Analysis .” Presented at the Association of College & Research Libraries Conference, Virtual. April 2021.
- —. “Qualitative Data Analysis with Taguette.” iSchool @ UW-Madison Alumni Webinar Series, April 2021.
- Hensley, Merinda Kaye. “The Library’s Synergy with Campus Coordinators of Undergraduate Research.” Presentation at Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries of Illinois (CARLI), Webinar, 25 March 2021.
- —. “Ungrading and an iSchool Course.” With Marcia Rapchak. Presentation at LIS Pedagogy Chat, 12 March 2021.
- Hinchliffe, Lisa Janicke. “Appreciative Inquiry Pedagogy.” LIS Pedagogy Chat. Online. January 29, 2021.
- —. “Access, Authentication, and Authorization: Setting the Stage.” NISO Plus 2021. Online. February 23, 2021.
- —, Karen Brown. “The Collective: Assessing a State-Wide Training Program on Library Impact.” Library Assessment Conference. Online. March 17, 2021
- —. “A Researcher-Centric View of Scholarly Communications.” National Academy of Sciences Journal Summit. Online. March 22, 2021.
- —. “Smoothing the Path: An Examination of Managing Author Workflow in the OA Transition.” UKSG 44th Annual Conference. Online. April 13, 2021.
- —, Lettie Y. Conrad, and Robert W. Boissy. “User Journeys with Online Learning and Research During the Pandemic: A Scholarly Communications Symposium.” Webinar. April 22, 2021.
- —. “MIL by Design: Can media, AI and libraries help? – YES!” Media and Information Literate Citizens: Think Critically, Click Wisely! (UNESCO). Online. April 29, 2021.
- —. “Gathering with Purpose: Growing a Community of Practice through Partnerships and Persistence.” Illinois Information Literacy Summit. Online. April 30, 2021.
- Jones, Kyle, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Amy VanScoy, Andrew Asher, Kristin A. Briney, and Abigail Goben. “Privacy and Learning Analytics: A Findings-Based Multi-Stakeholder Discussion.” ACRL Conference. Online/On-Demand. April 13-16, 2021.
- Martin, Piper, Justin Aceves, and Emily Zerrenner. “’I’m so grateful for this Zoom space’: Adapting Reference Training and Mentoring for LIS Graduate Assistants for Our COVID World.” Presented at the North American Virtual Reference Conference, February 24, 2021. [Slides and Recordings web page.]
- Mischo, William H., Mary C. Schlembach, and Elisandro Cabada, “Bibliometric and Research Impact Services at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign”, Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Spring Meeting Briefing, March 16, 2021.
- Mischo, William H., Michael A. Norman, Mary C. Schlembach, and Jason Heldreth, “Innovation in Discovery and Delivery Systems”, November 5, 2020, The Charleston Conference, 2020.
- O’Brien, Nancy P., Kelly Hangauer, and Amy Dye-Reeves. “An Inside Look at the ERIC Database.” Special Libraries Association Education Division and ACRL EBSS Education Committee Webinar. February 12, 2021. [PowerPoint slides are linked from]
- Schlembach, Mary C., William H. Mischo, and Elisandro Cabada, “Research Impact Indicator Visualizations and Analysis”, LIS-Bibliometrics 2021 Conference, held virtually at the University of Brighton, April 28, 2021.
- Wong, Melissa, Laura Saunders, Daniel G. Tracy, and Rebecca Graham, “Walking the Talk: Modeling Practice through Open Monograph Publishing,” LibParlor Webinar, Online, April 22, 2021