This past spring, our Library faculty, and academic professionals traveled across the country to present on a wide variety of topics. As always, we congratulate our researchers on their important contributions to the University of Illinois and to Library and Information Science and other disciplines. A selected bibliography of these presentations is provided below.
- Johnson, Kirstin Dougan. The Changing Face of Academic Music Media Collections in Response to the Rise of Online Music Delivery. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Music Library Association, Norfolk, VA, February 27, 2020.
- Lambaria, Kate, Peter Shirts, and Kris Shanton. “The State of Music Reference.” Presentation at the Music Library Association Annual Conference, Norfolk, VA, February 27, 2020.
- Roberts, Matthew J II. The Annual Modern Language Association Convention. Ithaka S+R/MLA Roundtable. “What Is Humanities Research Now?” Seattle, Washington. January 9-11, 2020.
- —. The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900. ‘“Always Be Here’: Sarah Kane, Harold Pinter, and the Origins of Cleansed.” The University of Louisville. February 20-22, 2020.
- Snyder, Tracey, Angela Pratesi, Kate Lambaria, Allison McClanahan, and Lisa Wollenberg. “Toward Mutual Enlightenment: An Information-Sharing Forum for Catalogers and Public Services Librarians.” Interactive session at the Music Library Association Annual Conference, Norfolk, VA, February 29, 2020.