Lisa Hinchliffe, Coordinator for Information Literacy Services and Instruction at the University Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has been named the first ever recipient of the Larry Romans Mentorship Award. This award is sponsored by the American Library Association Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT) and the ALA Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Roundtable (GLBTRT).
This award will be presented at the GODORT awards program at the ALA annual conference this summer in Chicago.
Hinchliffe has a long history of educational training and mentorship both inside and outside the University Library. Her professional service includes serving as the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) president, and membership on many committees in the American Library Association (ALA), International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), and Association of Research Libraries (ARL), to name a few. She has held various positions during her time at the University of Illinois, including head of the Undergraduate Library and acting head of the University Laboratory High School Library. Hinchliffe is currently an affiliated faculty member at the iSchool. She also has a consistent record of contributing to research in her field, whether that be through publications, presentations at conferences, or acting in editorial roles. She is currently the editor for Library Trends.
JoAnn Jacoby, Associate University Librarian for User Services, welcomed news of the award: “Lisa has a long history of mentoring early career librarians in a variety of contexts: in the classroom, as a supervisor of graduate assistants and practicum students and through her leadership in programs like ACRL Immersion and Assessment in Action. Through this work, she has inspired many of the current and future leaders in our profession. Few others have had such a wide impact.”
Sarah Crissinger, Information Literacy Librarian at Davidson College, reflecting on her time as a graduate assistant working with Hinchliffe, noted, “I am thankful that Lisa recognizes that mentorship is about more than professional growth; true mentorship facilitates the development of an entire person. Her mentorship and support have given me confidence and determination. Lisa has given me an incredible example of leadership and vision to aspire to.”
Hinchliffe’s influence at the University of Illinois is apparent as she is constantly seeking out opportunities to guide students in their studies. Her research interests in information literacy, assessment, and teaching in libraries push her to innovate in her position. She expressed that she is “humbled to have my contributions recognized by this award and honored that so many have trusted me to be a part of their journeys. I believe that our community is strengthened when we support everyone in reaching their full potential and professional aspirations.”
The award’s namesake, Larry Romans, mentored numerous librarians at Vanderbilt University, where he worked for over 30 years. For decades, he was also tremendous leader and mentor in the Tennessee Library Association, providing a positive influence on the association and the careers of innumerable librarians, many of whom have gone on to be leaders in ALA. Of particular note, during his 23 years of service to ALA Council, Larry mentored countless new and veteran councilors.
The award consists of a citation and $1,000. The award will be presented at the GODORT Awards Program at the ALA Annual Conference. In addition, recognition of the recipient will also take place at beginning of the Stonewall Book Awards Program held at the ALA Annual Conference. More information about the Larry Romans Mentorship Award can be found on the ALA website.
Congratulations, Lisa!
Some award information was adapted for this post from the ALA news release. The full announcement is available on the ALA website.