During 2011, University Library faculty published over 30 articles. Among the journals publishing these works are: The American Archivist, Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, Information Technology & Libraries, Journal of Library Metadata, Knowledge Quest, Reference & User Services Quarterly, and Studies in Iconography to name just a few.Carns, Paula. 2011. “Remembering Floire Et Blancheflor: Gothic Secular Ivories and the Arts of Memory.” Studies in Iconography 32: 121-154.
Dougan, Kirstin. 2011. “Dissertations in the Electronic Age: Tapping into Emerging Musicology Research.” Music Reference Services Quarterly 14 (3): 109-130.
Emanuel, Jennifer. 2011. “Usability of the VuFind Next-Generation Online Catalog.” Information Technology & Libraries 30 (1): 44-52.
Hahn, Jim. 2011. “Location-Based Recommendation Services in Library Book Stacks.” Reference Services Review 39 (4): 654-674.
Hahn, Jim, Lori Mestre, David Ward, and Susan Avery. 2011. “Technology on Demand. Implementing Loanable Technology Services at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.” Library Hi Tech 29 (1): 34-50.
Hahn, Jim and Alaina Morales. 2011. “Rapid Prototyping a Collections-Based Mobile Wayfinding Application.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship 37 (5): 416-422.
Hahn, Jim, Michael Twidale, Alejandro Gutierrez, and Reza Farivar. 2011. “Methods for Applied Mobile Digital Library Research: A Framework for Extensible Wayfinding Systems.” Reference Librarian 52 (1-2): 106-116.
Han, Myung-Ja. 2011. “Creating Metadata for Digitized Books: Implementing XML and OAI-PMH in Cataloging Workflow.” Journal of Library Metadata 11 (1): 19-32.
Harris, Frances Jacobson. 2011. “The School Librarian as Information Specialist: A Vibrant Species.” Knowledge Quest 39 (5): 28-32.
Hensley, Merinda Kaye. 2011. “Citation Management Software: Features and Futures.” Reference & User Services Quarterly 50 (3): 204-208.
Hogenboom, Karen, Tom Teper, and Lynn Wiley. 2011. “Collecting Small Data.” Research Library Issues (276): 12-19.
Holler Phillips, Carissa M. 2011. “Perceptions of Resources, Services, and ICT Literacy Skills among Master’s Students in Finance, with Implications for the Library and the “Trading Room”.” Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship 16 (4): 289-306.
Holler Phillips, Carissa M. 2011. “Student Consultants’ Perceptions and Valuations of Research Skills.” Reference Services Review 39 (3): 514-530.
Holler Phillips, Carissa M. 2011. “A Study of Student Consultants’ Comfort Levels with Research-Related Tasks.” Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 30 (2): 85-106.
Hunter, G. and David Ward. 2011. “Students Research the Library: Using Student-Led Ethnographic Research to Examine the Changing Role of Campus Libraries.” College and Research Libraries News 72 (5): 264-268.
Melanie, W., Myung-Ja Han and J. Dartt. 2011. “Testing Resource Description and Access (Rda) with Non-Marc Metadata Standards.” Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 49 (7-8): 655-675.
Mestre, Lori S. 2011. “Visibility of Diversity within Association of Research Libraries Websites.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 37 (2): 101-108.
Mestre, Lori S., Lisa Baures, Mona Niedbala, Corinne Bishop, Sarah Cantrell, Alice Perez, and Kate Silfen. 2011. “Learning Objects as Tools for Teaching Information Literacy Online: A Survey of Librarian Usage.” College & Research Libraries 72 (3): 236-252.
Prom, Christopher J. 2011. “Using Web Analytics to Improve Online Access to Archival Resources.” The American Archivist 74 (1): 158-184.
Romero, Lisa. 2011. “From the Editor.” Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 30 (1): 1-2.
Romero, Lisa. 2011. “From the Editor.” Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian 30 (3): 117-118.
Romero, Lisa. 2012. “From the Editor.” Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian 31 (1): 1-2.
Searing, Susan E. 2011. “Grey Literature Past and Present: The Evolution of Library Annual Reports.” The Grey Journal 7 (3): 147-152.
Searing, Susan E. and Alison M. Greenlee. 2011. Faculty responses to library service innovations: a case study. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 52, no. 4: 279-294.
Wacker, Melanie, Myung-Ja Han, and Judith Dartt. 2011. “Testing Resource Description and Access (RDA) with Non-MARC Metadata Standards.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 49 (7): 655-675.
Wagstaff, John. 2011. “Spreading the Message: Teaching Music Librarianship by Distance – Learning.” Fontes Artis Musicae 58 (2): 165-176.
Walter, Scott. 2011. “Guest Editorial: “Distinctive Signifiers of Excellence”: Library Services and the Future of the Academic Library.” College & Research Libraries, January. 6-8.
Ward, David. 2011. “Expanding the Reference Vocabulary: A Methodology for Applying Bloom’s Taxonomy to Increase Instruction in the Reference Interview.” Reference Services Review 39 (1): 167-180.
Wiley, Lynn, Tina E. Chrzastowski, and Stephanie Baker. 2011. “A Domestic Monograph Collection Assessment in Illinois Academic Libraries: What are we Buying and how is it used?” Interlending & Document Supply 39 (4): 167-175.