My vision for our booth is having a table set up with a sort of prequiz that people will take when they first come to the booth. After completing this quiz they will take a “Walk Through Puerto Rico”. There will be three stations set up. They will have multiple monitors playing videos of our experiences while on our trip. The videos will be split up into the categories of beaches/coral reefs, our hiking adventures and agriculture. This video is an example of the kind of video that could possibly be displayed for the agriculture section. It discusses what we learned about coffee production while on our trip. The material is simplified so that all types of audience will be able to follow along. Each video will have a sort voice over with details about what is in the video as well as other sound effects to make it seem more realistic. After going through each station, the visitors will end at the final table. At this table there will be a blooper video playing with music. Also, there will be candy and students to talk with everybody. Maybe we could have other decorations to draw attention such as a hammock or coconuts what have you. I think that if we combine all of our talents together we will make an amazing booth to display at the open house.
I love the idea to have other visual and physical stimuli around us to attract the initial attention of people passing by us. I can see that there will be plenty of jobs in and around the booth for all of us to stay busy and engaged with the viewers- which will be important if we wish to gain a lot of attention to our booth by the end of the open house.
I think the “Walk through Puerto Rico” will be an excellent idea. I feel like it appeals to all ages, especially kids. It will make our booth much more attractive because it’ll allow our visitors to truly engage with what we are trying to talk to them about. Also, we will be able to draw in people through the video screens and our video and music. Maybe in our next couple meetings we could finalize some ideas so we can get to work on this “Walk through Puerto Rico”.