My Role in the Project: Bobbi Toepper

Hello, I am Bobbi Toepper and I am a freshman majoring in Agricultural and Biological Engineering with a minor in Animal Science at the University of Illinois. When comparing the agriculture industry in Illinois and Puerto Rico I hope to provide valuable insights. Being raised on a farm in Illinois my whole life I will be able to contribute details about agriculture in Illinois that other people may not know. Also, I have attended Explore ACES before and that was what helped me pick this field of study. I know the kind of audience we will have and what will attract them to our booth and can help create the booth knowing this information. I am excited to be studying here in gorgeous Puerto Rico!


One thought on “My Role in the Project: Bobbi Toepper

  1. I believe Bobbi will make a great addition to our team; with perspectives others may not have first thought of, I think she will be able to greatly add to our presentation of the information, and also even how we learn and think about the agriculture of Puerto Rico.

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