
LAS Council Constitution

ARTICLE I-Nature and Function
Section 1. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Liberal Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Student Council. Hereinafter to be referred to as LAS Council in this document.
Section 2. Objects
The LAS Council shall enhance and support the education of the students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Any matter that can be decided or considered by an officer, office, or official body within the College, or that directly affects the quality of undergraduate education or life, falls within the Council’s jurisdiction.
Section 3. Authority
The authority of this constitution is the standard for the operation of all business in this Council. The Council may, by a two-thirds vote, adopt or amend Bylaws. The Executive Board may establish temporary rules or guidelines. Such rulings are subject to full Council veto, in the form of a majority vote. The Council is a Registered Student Organization with authority vested in its members and elected officials.
Section 4. Nondiscrimination policy
The Council shall not discriminate, and shall discourage discrimination on the basis of ancestry, nationality, creed, philosophy, economic disadvantage, physical disability, mental illness or disorders, political affiliation, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

ARTICLE IIMembership
Section 1. Participation
All students shall be welcome to attend full body meetings. However, active membership as outlined below is required in order to cast a vote in full body decision-making processes.
Section 2. Active Membership
A student earns active member status if the student has fulfilled all of the following requirements:
a)      Submission of general membership information via the online application –
b)      Attendance at four general meetings per semester
c)      Payment of dues: $10 per year, or $5 per semester
d)      Attendance to at least one (2) volunteer and one (2) social activity each semester

ARTICLE III-Election of Officers
Section 1. Officers
The Officers of the Council shall be President and the Executive Board of Vice-Presidents serving in the following areas: Secretary, Finance, Information Systems, Media and External Relations, and Social and Volunteer.
Section 2. Tenure
All Officers are elected for a term of one (1) year, beginning officially at the end of the fall semester. An overlap of officers between the election and the end of the fall semester may exist to allow for a smooth transition of policy and information.
Section 3. Candidate Requirements
Candidates must be enrolled in good standing in the College of LAS, have at least one (1) semester of active LAS Council membership as outlined in Article II, Section 2.
Petitions for office shall be submitted via the online application –
On the date of election, each slated candidate shall give a short oral presentation outlining the candidate’s goals for the Council to the current President and Advisors in a private interview.
Section 4. Election
During the fall semester in mid-November, elections shall be determined by the current President and Advisors based on candidates’ submitted online applications and presentations during the private interviews.
A candidate may cascade through positions on election day if unable to achieve his/her initial position choice.
A candidate may hold no more than one (1) Council office.
Section 5. Vacancy
If an Officer must leave office during his/her term:
a)      The vacancy must be announced during the next full body Council meeting.
b)      A vacancy in the Executive Board is filled by an active Council member elected by the process outlined in Article III, Sections 2 and 3.
c)      A vacancy in the President’s office shall be filled by a member of the Executive Board, to be selected by the Advisors.
Section 6. Emergency
In the unforeseen and unavoidable need to restructure the Executive Board, the current Executive Board reserves the right to decide the proper course of action.

ARTICLE IVOfficer Responsibilities
Section 1. Responsibilities and Duties
Serves as general representative and official spokesperson of LAS Council and greater student body
– Discuss college and student concerns at month Lunch meeting
– Present award at College of LAS Banquet
– Presides over the Council and Executive Board
– Manages Executive Board positions
– Meets with Advisors regularly
– Creates agenda for general meetings
– Organizes speakers for general meetings
– Delegates any responsibility whose exercise is not otherwise assigned
VP Secretary
– Arranges general meeting space each semester as well as committee meeting spaces before the beginning of each upcoming semester
– Unlocks and prepares conference room before each meeting
– Updates attendance sheets and keeps information on all delegates, Executive Board members, and general members.
– Conducts minutes at General Meetings
– Adds and deletes students to Council email list via LIST SERV email software
VP Finance
– Updates financial data on a monthly basis or as per event
– Collects member dues and reports payments to VP Secretary for record keeping
–    Understands all SORF rules and procedures
–  Writes reimbursement checks for Council expenses
VP Information Systems
–  Creates all new additions to webpage
–  Updates all website material on a timely basis
–   Compile and submit Advising Surveys to the Advising Dean
VP Media and External Relations
–  Designs signs, pamphlets, and table tents incorporating relevant graphics
– Determines advertising schemes to reach student body and increase attendance at Council events via internet, radio, television, chalking, etc.
VP Social and Volunteer
–   Arranges monthly social/volunteer/community events in order to foster friendship and goodwill among Council members
–   Organizes shirt orders
Section 2. Executive Board
The Executive Board shall collectively:
a)   consist of the President and Vice-Presidents
b)   meet during the off-weeks of the full body meetings
c)      maintain a functional relationship amongst all Council members
d)      propose and discuss goals of the Council
e)      create and disband committees as necessary
f)        review and amend the Constitution as necessary
g)      be the interpreter of this Constitution
h)      review this Constitution annually
All Officers shall individually:
a)      miss no more than one (1) general meeting per semester without valid cause. See Article IV, Section 3 below
b)      miss no more than one (1) Executive Board meeting without valid cause
c)      maintain good academic standing at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Section 3. Valid Causes and Vacancy
An officer shall become ineligible to hold office and the vacancy shall be filled as outlined in Article III, Section 4, in the case of any of the following:
a)      The officer fails to meet the requirements as outlined in Article IV, Section 1and 2 above
b)      A majority of the Executive Board deems the officer unfit to hold office. Reasons for replacement include failure to fulfill responsibilities of the office as outlined in Article IV, Section 1
c)      The officer leaves campus due to early graduation, study abroad, or other reasons
The Executive Board shall confer on matters of valid cause and shall excuse such absences or failures as they deem appropriate.

ARTICLE VAmendments and Official Procedure
Section 1. Voting
Of the active members present (Article II, Section 2), two-thirds shall be necessary to ratify amendments to this Constitution.
Section 2. Amendments
Proposed amendments shall be presented to the Executive Board by Council members only. The Executive Board shall review the proposed amendment and evaluate its potential impact prior to presentation to the general Council membership for ratification. The opinion of the Executive Board shall be presented to the Council prior to voting.