
Doctoral Students

  1. Chen Wang,  Item Response Models for Joint Analysis of Quality of Life and Survival, University of Wisconsin Department of Statistics, 2001.
  2. Young-Sun Lee, Nonparametric Monotone Item Response Models, University of Wisconsin Department of Educational Psychology,  2002.
  3. Jimmy de la Torre, Improving the Accuracy of Item Response Theory Parameter Estimates through Simultaneous Estimation and Incorporation of Ancillary Variables, University of Illinois Department of Psychology,  2003.
  4. Xueli Xu, CAT and Equating Methods with Nonparametric IRT Models, University of Illinois Department of Statistics,  2004.
  5.  Tzur Karelitz, Ordered-Category Attribute Coding Framework for Cognitive Assessments, University of Illinois Department of Psychology,  2004.
  6.  Robert Henson, Test Discrimination and Test Construction for Cognitive Diagnosis,  University of Illinois Department of Psychology,  2004.
  7. Jon Templin, Generalized Linear Mixed Proficiency Models for Cognitive Diagnosis, University of Illinois Department of Psychology,  2004.
  8.  Hyunyoung Choi, Topics in Nonlinear Time Series, University of Illinois Department of Statistics,  2005.
  9.  Xiaodong Li, Methods and Theory for Joint Estimation of Incidental and Structural Parameters in Latent Class Models, University of Illinois Department of Statistics,  2006.
  10.  Rongchun Zhu, Implementation of Optimal Design for Item Calibration in Computerized Adaptive Testing, University of Illinois Department of Educational Psychology,  2006.
  11.  Chia-Yi Chiu, Cluster Analysis for Cognitive Diagnosis, University of Illinois Department of Educational Psychology,  2008.
  12.  Ying Liu, An Item Response Unfolding Model for Graphic Rating Scales, University of Illinois Department of Psychology,  2009.
  13.  Zhewen Fan, Statistical Issues and Developments in Time Series Analysis and Educational Measurement, University of Illinois Department of Statistics,  2010(co-directed with Xiaofeng Shao).
  14. Shiyu Wang, Some Theoretical and Applied Developments to Support Cognitive Learning and Adaptive Testing.University of Illinois Department of Statistics, 2016.