Last site update: November 2012 – Moved to in preparation for NetFiles retirement
General documentation
Japanese Home Cooking courses – Fall 2005 forward (Urbana Adult Education)
- Sushi and Onigiri
- Japanese O-bento: Lunch as an art form
- One-bowl Japanese Meals
- Yaki Yaki Yaki: Grilling Japanese Style
- Japanese Desserts
Japanese Cooking and Anime
(JAFAX, Michigan, June 2005 forward)
Japanese Home-style Cooking:
Rice class (Urbana Adult Education, Spring 2005)
Japanese Home-style Cooking:
More than Rice class (Urbana Adult Education, Spring 2005)
- Non-rice recipes and imported recipes
- Dashi (Japanese standard soup broth)
- Noodle soup bases: Shoyu (soy sauce) based, miso (soybean paste) based,
and others