
“Will you come and follow me if I but call your name?

Will you go where you don’t know and never be the same?

Will you let my love be shown? Will you let my name be known?

Will you let my life be grown in you and you in me?”

          “The Summons Song” John L. Bell and Graham Maule (1987)

     We have all been called by God to some aspect of veterinary medicine, and we have all answered that call. Some of us are new to vet school and still trying to figure out how everything works, while some have been on clinical rotations for months and are ready for the school year to end and hold that DVM in their hands, while others still are in whatever realm of practice they have been called to. But this is not where this calling ends. Every day God is asking us to follow Him, and to show His love in every aspect of our lives. God continues to call us to Him in every single moment – from listening to your least favorite teacher ramble about something you understand, to the stress of studying for the NAVLE or Boards, and even when that angry client or co-worker has chosen you to be the center of their anger today. These situations are hard, but they are times that God is calling out to you to show your trust in Him to guide you through it all and let His undying love show in the world.

     So, the question is this: How will you answer this call? Will you choose to say “yes”? (Okay, I know that’s two questions, but the second is a follow-up =)). Vet school is hard. Being a practicing veterinarian is hard. Working in the lab is hard. Friendships and working with others is hard. LIFE is hard. But We have the answer to get through it all if we just trust that He knows what he is doing. So, follow Him. Take that less-traveled path. Let His love shine through you and let the world know that it is because of Him. Trust Him. Doing these are how the Lord will grow in you, just as you grow in Him.

Much love. Faith