Welcome to Illini Dancesport!

Last updated on: January 14, 2025

If you are interested in learning ballroom dance, we are the club for you! No partner or prior dancing background required. We welcome members at any level!

To get on our mailing list, please send an email titled “Get me on the mailing list!” to illinidance@gmail.com

Follow us on social media @illinidance


Welcome back, dancers! We will be offering student-led classes and open practice space before our coach-led lessons begin, starting from this Tuesday (01/14/2025). Stay tuned for more information on our open house and coach–led lessons for the semester!


Please check the team’s Google Calendar for specific time and location for each day.

Note: if you’re using Safari (iOS/macOS), you may see an reCAPTCHA and an error message saying “Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network” instead of the calendar. This is probably because the “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking” option is enabled in your Safari settings. If you don’t want to disable the privacy preserving option, you can try reopen this page in a different browser (Chrome or Firefox). Or subscribe to the calendar and check the schedule in your calendar app (link in here).

Apple Calendar Subscription Link

Apple users can subscribe to the team’s calendar using this link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/illinidance%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics

Google Calendar Subscription Link

Google users can subscribe to the team’s calendar using this link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/1?cid=aWxsaW5pZGFuY2VAZ21haWwuY29t

A few quick facts about the team

  • We are a mix of students and community members (mostly students), who dance Ballroom dances: Standard, Smooth, Latin, and Rhythm. Collectively, these four styles of competitive partner dancing are called “DanceSport.”
  • In addition to our classes taught by Alex Tecza and Kato Lindholm, we have regular dance practices and social events throughout the semester.
  • We also travel around the Midwest to participate in competitions with other university ballroom teams.