Blog Assignment
As a part of your assignments you will be required to blog seven times in the semester and to comment on postings of classmates seven times. Each post should be about 250 words; each comment at least 100 words.
For each book that we read,
Aphra Behn, Oroonoko
John Bossy, Under the Molehill: An Elizabethan Spy Story
Anya Loomba, Shakespeare, Race, and Colonialism
Peter Mancall, ed. Envisioning America: English Plans for the Colonization of North America, 1580-1640
Steven Pincus, England’s Glorious Revolution, 1688-1689: A Brief History with Documents
James Sharpe, The Bewitching of Anne Gunter
Blair Worden, The English Civil Wars
please choose a quotation around which to organize your post. The quotation should appear as the first paragraph of your blog entry with the post (250 words) right after. Relate the quotation to our class discussions, the themes we are tracing, or to themes in the readings that our class discussions have neglected.
The style can be casual, but academic. It should have some kind of argument explaining why you chose the quotation and how it relates to the course and it should be written according to the conventions of grammar and spelling.
Your comments to other posts can be short, but they should be thoughtful and substantive. You might weigh in with either confirmation of the original point (perhaps supported with different evidence) or contradiction of it (again with some evidence from a primary or a secondary source). Or you can take the comment in a different direction raising different issues connected to the post.
One blog entry and one comment must be posted by September 20. Five blog posts/comments must be completed by October 25.