Marley publishes in Acta Biomaterialia

Marley and Brendan published an article titled “Inclusion of a 3D-printed Hyperelastic Bone mesh improves mechanical and osteogenic performance of a mineralized collagen scaffold” in Acta Biomaterialia. This describes their work towards regenerating craniomaxillofacial bone defects by combining mineralized collagen scaffolds with 3D-prints from chicago-based company Dimension Inx, LLC. Check it out here!

Congratulations Dr. Aidan Gilchrist!!!

Congratulations to Aidan for successfully defended his PhD thesis today, ‘Soluble factors and remodeling in a synthetic stem cell niche.’ Aidan transformed our efforts to create artificial platforms to culture hematopoietic stem cells in the laboratory. While we are excited that he will be moving on to a fantastic postdoc with Dr. Sarah Heilshorn at Stanford University,  we will miss him very much! Congratulations again Dr. Gilchrist!