News Articles

Ajbaili, M. (2014, June 24). How ISIS conquered Social Media. Al Arabiya News. (Accessed November 2014)

The ALS ice bucket challenge. (Accessed October 2014).

Bauwens, M. (2012, March 22). Scope, not scale: What do medieval monks, Cuban socialists and Wikipedia have in common? (Accessed November 2014)

Beauchamp, Z. (2014, July 1). ISIS mocks Obama in Michael Bay-style  propaganda video. (Accessed November 2014)

Beinart, P. (2014, September 11). How serious a threat is ISIS? The Atlantic. (Accessed November 2014)

Berger, J. M. (2014, June 16). How ISIS games Twitter. The Atlantic. (Accessed November 2014)

Brecher, C. and Smith. (2009). “Social Movements 2.0” The Nation.

Campbell. C. (2014). Sarkeesian driven out of home by online abuse and death threats.

Chulov, M. (2012 November 30). “Syria shuts off internet access across the country” The Guardian (London) (Accessed November 2014)

Gray, S. (2014).  Actress harassed by Internet horde for speaking up about Gamergate. Salon.

Christian Science Monitor. (1995, February 27). “Marcos on the Internet”.  p. 20. (Accessed November 2014)

Doyle, C. (2014, November 5). Social Media did not create ISIS. Al Arabiya News.

The Facebook Effect: Social Media Dramatically Boosts Organ Donor Registration. John Hopkins Medicine, News and publications. (Accessed November 2014)

Facebook May Have Saved Thousands of Lives by Tweaking One Little Feature. (Accessed October 4, 2014)

Flatley, J. (2012, November 15). Propaganda 2.0: why Israel and Hamas are fighting a war with rockets and tweets. TheVerge.

From #BlackLivesMatter to #UmbrellaMovement, activist hashtags are global and viral. Why do we bring them to physical protests? 

#GamerGate.  (2014). Know your meme. (Accessed November 2014)

Gladwell, M. (2010, October 4). Small Change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted. The New Yorker. (Accessed October 2014)

Goldstein, J. (2014 June 19). Fight On Twitter Over ‘Yes All Women’ Miraculously Produces Productive Discussion, Actual Change. Thinking Progress. (Accessed November 2014)

Grinberg, E. (2014). Why #YesAllWomen took off on Twitter.

Hampson, K. (2014). “Social Media and the ‘Spiral of Silence’”. Pew Research Internet Project

Hustad, K. (2013). “In light of NSA spying, Brazil may take a step back from World Wide Web.Christian Science Monitor.

Johnson, S. (2012, September 21). “The Internet? We built that“. The New York Times Magazine.

Laub, Z., & Masters, J. (2014, June 24). Background Briefing: What is ISIL?PBS Newshour. [Blog].

Learmonth, M. (2014, July 1). Grisly Twitter hashtag #CalamitywillbefallUS Is Battleground Between ISIS, US In War For Minds. International Business Times.

Long, C. (2014, October 8). ISIS: Social Media Recruits Women in Their Teens.  Guardian Liberty Voice.  (Accessed November 2014)

Lopatto, E. (2014, September 25). From Emma Watson’s nude threat to abusive YouTube comments: why women aren’t safe on the internet. The verge. (Accessed November 2014)

Maher, S., & Carter, J. (2014, June 24). Analyzing the ISIS “Twitter Storm”. War on the Rocks.

Malik, S., Laville, S., Cresci, E., & Gani, A. (2014, September 24). Isis in duel  with Twitter and YouTube to spread extremist propaganda. The Guardian.

Mann, D. “Marco Civil: Statement of Support from Sir Tim Berners-Lee.” World Wide Web Foundation, 2014.

Manto, F. (2014). The #YesAllWomen Hashtag: How It All Began. Chegg blog.

Marcotte, A. (2014 Nov. 21). GamerGate Fights Corruption in Journalism By Encouraging Corruption in JournalismXXfactor.

Martin. G. (2014). “Why We Didn’t Want to Talk About “GamerGate”Paste Magazine. (Accessed November 2014)

McCormick, R. (2014 November 4). Gamergate: a misogynist harassment campaign disguised as consumer revolt. The Verge. (Accessed November 2014)

McVeigh, K. (2014, November 6). Peer pressure lures more Britons to Syria than  Isis videos, study finds. The Guardian. (Accessed November 2014)

Melchior, J.K. (2014, October 15). ISIS Tactics Illustrate Social Media’s New  Place in Modern War. Tech Crunch. (Accessed November 20014)

Mike Elkin, (2011). “Exclusive: Tunisia Internet chief gives inside look at cyber uprising”,

Morozov (2010).Think Again: The Internet.” Foreign Policy.

Summary: Argues that the Internet has sped up existing forces at work in the world, making politics more unpredictable and provides the skeptical view that the cyber utopia that early Web enthusiasts predicted is largely illusory.

Mosendz, P. (2014, October 22). The teenage fans of ISIS. The Atlantic.  (Accessed November 2014)

Mosendz, P. (2014, October 27). ISIS shifts their social media patterns. The Atlantic. (Accessed November 2014)

Naughton (2012). “Is Facebook ‘the real presidential swing state?’” The Guardian.Baylis, S. C.  &  Bender, K. (2014). #YesAllWomen, a Response to California Rampage, Reaches 1 Million Tweets. People.

Notre, Quinn (2012). How Anonymous got political.” New Internationalist Magazine.

Summary: Describes the emergence of the hacktivist group Anonymous.

Pachal, P. (2014). How the #YesAllWomen Hashtag Began. Mashable. (Accessed November 2014)

Schradie, J. (2014). Bringing the Organization Back In: Social Media and Social Movements. Berkeley journal of sociology. (Accessed December 2014)

Summary: “In the digital era of so-called Facebook revolutions or hashtag activism, many claim that participation in social movements is individualized and personalized, but building and sustaining a political movement, even an online movement, still requires organization.”

Shire, E. (2014, May 27). #YesAllWomen Has Jumped the Shark.  The Daily Beast. (Accessed November 2014)

Siegel, J. (2014, August 31). Isis is Using Social Media to Reach YOU, Its New  Audience. The Daily Beast.

Smith, A. (2014, February 3). 6 new facts about Facebook. FactTank, news in the numbers. (Accessed November 2014)

Snow, N. (2014, September 3). Isis beheading videos: the scariest part is how well their propaganda is working. The Guardian.

Spanier, G (2008). “Is Campus Activism Dead – or Just Misguided?” The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Schneier, B. (2013). The battle for power on the internet. The Atlantic.

Shane, S., & Hubbard, B. (2014 August 30). ISIS Displaying a Deft Command  of Varied Media. The New York Times. (Accessed November 2014)

Social Media Users Respond to Existing Dangers Towards Women with #YesAllWomen. (2014).

Srinivasan, R., and others (2011). “Ramesh Sriniivasan”.

Sutter, J. (2012, November 19). “Will Twitter war become the new norm? Propaganda 2.0: why Israel and Hamas are fighting a war with rockets and tweets.” CNN.

Thompson, N. (2013 May 8). “Why Did Syria Shut Down the Internet?” The New Yorker. (Accessed November 2014)

The war between ISIS and the Iraqi government. (2014 November 26).  Vox. (Accessed November 2014)

Wood, M. (2014 September 7). Facebook Generation Rekindles Expectation of Privacy Online. New York Times. (Accessed November 2014)

Young, D. (2012, November 10). “Social media both friend and foe for China’s new leaders.” CNN.

Zizek, S. (2011, May 2). “Corporate Rule of Cyberspace.” Inside Higher Ed.