

Separation of Powers and Legislative Organization: The President, the Senate, and Political Parties in the Making of House Rules

Winner of the 2015 Alan Rosenthal Prize, Legislative Studies Section, American Political Science association


My book Separation of Powers and Legislative Organization: The President, the Senate, and Political Parties in the Making of House Rules (Cambridge University Press) examines how the constitutional requirements of the lawmaking process, together with factional divisions within the parties, affect the distribution of power within the House.

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Congreso, Presidencia y Justicia en Argentina


The objective of Congreso, Presidencia y Justicia en Argentina, co authored with Guillermo Mollinelli and Valeria Palanza, is to provide scholars with ample quantitative information along with in depth analysis concerning the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government in Argentina (1862 to 1998) from a historical perspective.

Reviewed by Mark Jones (Rice University) in the Latin American Research Review, 2002, Vol. 37, No. 3.


“Dynamic Party System Fragmentation”. 2022. Electoral Studies. Volume 76, April. (with José Antonio Cheibub, Thiago Moreira, and Keigo Tanabe)

“Presidents on the Fast Track: Fighting Floor Amendments with Restrictive Rules”. 2021. Journal of Politics. Volume 83, Number 2. (with Eric Magar and Valeria Palanza)

“Legislatures and the Executive Veto”. 2021. Handbook of Parliamentary studies:Interdisciplinary approaches to legislatures. Rozenberg, Olivier and Ciryl Benoit (eds.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. (with Valeria Palanza)

“Interviews, Reflections, and Advice from Women in Legislative Studies”. 2020. PS: Political Science & Volume53, Issue 2. (with Laurel Harbridge-Young)

“Preference Vote and Intra-Party Competition in Open List PR Systems”. 2020. Journal of Theoretical Politics, Volume 32, Issue 1.  (with Jose Antonio Cheibub)

“A Bouncy House? UK Select Committee Newsworthiness, 2005-18”. 2019. The Journal of Legislative Studies, Volume 5, Issue 3. (with Brian J. Gaines, Mark Goodwin, and Stephen Holden Bates)

“Prospects for Analysing Committees in Comparative Perspective”. The Journal of Legislative Studies, Volume 5, Issue 3. (with Brian J. Gaines, Mark Goodwin, and Stephen Holden Bates)

“The Study of Legislative Committees”. The Journal of Legislative Studies, Volume 5, Issue 3. (with Brian J. Gaines, Mark Goodwin, and Stephen Holden Bates)

“DACA/DAPA”, and “Dream Act”. 2018. Latinos in the American Political System: An Encyclopedia of Latinos as Voters, Candidates, and Office Holders, edited by Jessica Lavariega Monforti. (with Collin Paschall)

“Veto Bargaining and the Legislative Process in Multiparty Presidential Systems”. 2015. Comparative Political Studies, Volume 47, Issue 5. (with Valeria Palanza)

“Item Vetoes and Attempts to Override Them in Multiparty Legislatures.” 2013. Journal of Politics in Latin America 5, 1 (May): 37-66. (with Valeria Palanza)

“How the Senate and the President Affect the Timing of Power-sharing Rule Changes in the US House.” 2013. Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 29, 6 (December): 1184-1216. (with Arthur Lupia)

“Policy Tragedy and the Emergence of Regulation: The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938”. 2007. Studies in American Political Development 21, 2 (September): 149-180. (with Daniel P. Carpenter)

Reprinted in Comanor, William and Stuart O. Schweitzer., eds. 2014.   Pharmaceutical Economics. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Pub.

“Were Bush Tax Cut Supporters ‘Simply Ignorant?’ A Second Look at Conservatives and Liberals in ‘Homer Gets a Tax Cut’”. 2007. Perspectives on Politics 5, 4 (December): 773-784. (with Arthur Lupia, Adam Levine and Jesse O. Menning)

“Which Public Goods Are Endangered?: How Evolving Technologies Affect The ‘Logic of collective action’”. 2003. Public Choice 117, 3-4 (December): 315-331. (with Arthur Lupia)

Reprinted in Xenos, Michael (ed.). Theory and Practice of Group Discussion, pp. 69-86. San Diego: Cognella, Inc.

“Partidos Provinciales y Gobierno Nacional en el Congreso (1983-1995).” 1997. Boletín Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político 3, 5 (Primavera): 46-94. (with Valeria Palanza)