About me


”Scientists study the world as it is; engineers create the world that has never been”

Theodore von Kármán


I am a PhD graduate from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. During my PhD, I worked with Professor Marcelo H. García (M.T. Geoffrey Yeh Endowed Chair in Civil Engineering and Director of the Ven Te Chow Hydrosystems Laboratory) and Professor Paul Fischer (Blue Waters Professor in Computer Science and Mechanical Science and Engineering). My research interests are in the general area of Fluid Mechanics and particularly in Computational Fluid Dynamics, with possible Environmental, Mechanical, Biomechanical, or other interdisciplinary applications. My PhD work was related to the study of Oscillatory Boundary Layer flows and the analysis of turbulent flow structures and characteristics of temporally accelerated Boundary Layer flows. Special attention was given to the implication of turbulent flow on bed shear stress and sediment transport in coastal applications.


My alma mater is Democritus University of Thrace (Xanthi-Greece), where I earned my Diploma in Civil Engineering. After my graduation, I continued my graduate studies in DUTH, earning two consecutive MSc degrees, the first one in “Hydraulics Engineering” and the second one in “Environmental Engineering and Science”.

”Big whirls have little whirls,
That feed on their velocity;
And little whirls have lesser whirls,
And so on to viscosity.”

Lewis Fry Richardson