Infrastructure Resilience to Windstorms

The objective of this project is to develop meaningful metrics for assessing community-level resilience to windstorms, having as a main focus the infrastructure.

General Illustration of resilience measurement

As a case study for this research, the Wind Engineering Lab is using the EF-3 Naplate tornado. The tornado happened on February 28, 2017 causing major destruction on the relatively isolated community. After this unfortunate event, the Wind Engineering Lab has visited Naplate four times with the objective of quantify the damage and recovery of the community. The visits were on the following dates March 2, 2017 ; June 19, 2017; August 15, 2017 and  March 12, 2018. A fifth visit is planned for February 2019.

Recovery from a residential house after an EF-3 tornado in Naplate, IL

This research is being done in collaboration with Prof. Brian M. Phillips from the University of Maryland.