2014-15 Theme

Early Modern Reading Group

Elizabeth Tavares, English (tavares1@illinois.edu)
Carla Rosell, English (rosell2@illinois.edu)

Focusing on the early modern archive, the EMRG will read a generically-circumscribed set of texts curated to recreate their potential intertextualities and interrogate literary canonicity. Participants meet monthly to discuss one primary text and secondary readings, generating a conversation to result in a research symposium. The 2014-15 academic year will focus on the repertory of the Lord Admiral’s Men to reconstruct what Evelyn Tribble calls a “cognitive ecologyā€¯ of the early modern English cultural archive.

For more information about IPRH, their programs, and other readings groups, visit iprh.illinois.edu.

An IPRH Reading Group at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign