GRE Exam

studentbooksThe GRE exam is a part of the required application materials for some graduate programs. Students need to research what application materials are required for the program they plan to submit an application.

The GRE exam is only offered on certain dates, which requires students to plan ahead. Students should plan to take their first attempt of the GRE exam no later than the start of spring semester in their junior year. This allows them time to retake the exam in later spring or summer.

Below are important links to learn more about the GRE exam and how to register.

It is recommended to have scores sent directly to the student first for review and then onto the university. Once scores are sent to a university, they are on record and will be shared with the department. If a student takes the exam more than once and has scores automatically sent to the university, the department will see all scores.

How to Prepare for the GRE Exam