Follow the department on social media!
Important Dates and Deadlines
- October 7: Spring Schedule Visible in Course Explorer
- October 18: Deadline to DROP a FULL SEMESTER (aka Part of Term 1) course
- October 21: Time Tickets Visible in Student Self-Service
Questions? As always, see our advising website for contact information and instructions for scheduling appointments.
Don’t forget to stop by the advising office (Room 200, English Building) to pick up your free English Department T-shirt, any weekday between 9 and noon or between 1 and 4.
Paid Internship Opportunity–DEADLINE APPROACHING

ESA Upcoming Event Next Week!

Dinner & Development with the WRC

Join the Women’s Resources Center on Wednesday, October 2 from 6:00-7:30pm for Dinner & Development: Find Your Fit. Know Your Worth, with Arianna Agramonte Holterman from the UIUC Career Center!
The job search can be intimidating. How do you know you’ve found the right fit? And, if you have, how do you navigate the negotiation process to be paid what your worth? In this workshop, Arianna Agramonte Holterman will teach students strategies for navigating salary negotiations!
Register here.
Reading by Lillian-Yvonne Bertram

Ecojustice Book Club: Parable of the Sower
Join the staff of the Women’s Resources Center as part of the 2024 Ecojustice Series as we discuss “Parable of the Sower” by Octavia Butler. Parable of the Sower is a dystopian novel that depicts a future United States struggling with socio-economic inequality, racism, and classism. Butler describes the book as a cautionary tale that comments on what American society might look like if we don’t change.

Please be aware that this novel contains allusions to sexual violence, torture, and other forms of violence. We encourage participants to prioritize their self care and feel free to stop reading at any point.
Book Club will take place at the Women’s Resources Center on Thursday, October 3, from 4:00-5:00pm (616 E Green Street Suite 213).
Limited copies of the book are available on a first come, first serve basis by request. Register at go.illinois.edu/EcoBookClub
Invitation from the Provost for First-Year Students
Are you looking for opportunities to get involved and work together with peers and campus leadership to strengthen our community? If so, we have the perfect opportunity for you!
The Office of the Provost is now accepting applications for appointment of first-time new freshmen to the 2024-2025 Student Success Undergraduate Advisory Board.
The board is a group of diverse undergraduate students who volunteer to serve as advisors to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs & Provost and Student Success @ Illinois. They aim to accurately portray the current realities of the undergraduate experience by articulating the highlights and challenges of being a student at the university. As representatives of the undergraduate population at Illinois, their objective is to convey what could make a successful undergraduate student experience. The Application can be accessed here.
If you’re selected to participate as a Board member, appointments will be for one full academic year. All applications are due Friday, October 4, 2024, at 11:59 PM CDT.
We hope you will consider applying because your voice is a critical part of the work that we do to ensure your success while at Illinois and beyond graduation!
Elijah Wald Lecture
This upcoming talk is co-sponsored by the English department and will be moderated by our own Professor Mack!

VOICE Readings by MFA Students

Proud to be First Gen Series–Upcoming Event

RSVP here for this event and others.
Don’t Forget These!
Call for Submissions
Hello! My name is Miao Wang, and I am the Editor-in-Chief of Rainy Day, Cornell University’s longest-running undergraduate literary magazine, which has published outstanding works of poetry and fiction since 1969. We accept submissions from undergraduate students throughout the nation, including those at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. We are pleased to share the opportunity for English and Creative Writing students to submit their poetry, short fiction, short plays, and any other literary works to Rainy Day this semester. The deadline for this round of submissions is November 10.
For more information or to view past issues of the magazine, please visit our website at https://www.rainydaymagazine.org/. In addition, please do not hesitate to contact us at rainydaycornell@gmail.com if you have further questions.
Become an I-Connect Facilitator
Diversity & Social Justice Education is Hiring I-Connect Peer Educators to facilitate group discussions around inclusion & belonging. Gain leadership skills! Make a positive impact in your campus community!
$15/hour, up to 9 hrs/week, must be a 2nd, 3rd or 4th year student, must be an undergraduate student and must be passionate about social justice. Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis until all positions are filled. Submit an application here.
ATLAS Internships–Application portal for SP25 opens October 1

Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program
The Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP) is currently accepting applications for the Spring 2025 cohort.
URAP provides students with little or no research experience the opportunity to work with graduate students and post-doctoral scholars on their research projects, explore the culture and process of research, and build on their existing abilities within a community of scholars. In Spring 2025, the undergraduate portion of URAP will consist of two equally important parts: a one-on-one research experience with their research mentor, and the Introduction to Research course. The course is designed to complement the research mentoring experience, orienting undergraduate mentees to broader topics in the research process.
Participation in URAP is by application only; the application portal is now open. Students selected to be part of URAP are expected to commit to: (1) attending the regular weekly class meetings of GC 295, Introduction to Research (3 credit hours) with Office of Undergraduate Research instructors; and (2) working one-on-one with their research mentors, an average of 5-6 hours per week. As part of the course requirement, students will complete a final project, consisting of a poster, to be presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, an annual event on April 24, 2025.
The deadline for students to apply is October 11, 2024, at 11:59 pm. For more information about URAP, including research project abstracts, and how to apply to the program, please visit our website: http://undergradresearch.illinois.edu/programs/urap.html
Upcoming Pre-Law Programs
All upcoming events can be found our PLAS Events calendar.

Submit to Montage
Montage publishes work by undergraduate students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is now accepting submissions through (tentative date) February 14, 2025.
See this page for more details or email montagejournal@gmail.com with any questions or concerns.

Need Help With Research?

Peer Mentors are in the Hub!
With the return of the Peer Mentors in the Hub, here are a few reasons to head to the Hub in Lincoln Hall (Tues, Weds, Thurs from 10- 3):
- building a resume from scratch or a quick look before a career fair
- connecting to research around campus
- learning how to gain some other experience to gain insights about your skills and preferences for future jobs
- finding that RSO or other group that are around to join
- Career Services has special drop-in times on Tues, Weds (10-noon)
Confidential Advising Resources
The Women’s Resources Center (WRC) is the designated confidential campus resource related to sexual assault/rape, sexual harassment, stalking and abuse within a relationship (sometimes called dating or domestic violence). That means when we talk with students, staff, and faculty who have experienced harm, we make sure you get what you need and on your terms! There are several Confidential Advisors at the WRC who can provide you – or someone looking to support you – with support and advocacy services.

Illinois Club Scholarships
Through endowments housed with the University of Illinois Foundation, the Illinois Club provides financial support to worthy UI undergraduate students. This year, we will be awarding scholarships to students in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Global Studies, Education, STEM fields, and the Fine Arts. Applicants must have earned at least 60 credit hours by the beginning of the Spring 2025 semester and may graduate no earlier than December 2025. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required at the time of application and at the time of winning the award. Applications will open on September 3, 2024 and close on October 12, 2024 at 5 PM. Find more details about each scholarship and about the application process here.

Interested in volunteering in the local community?
Participate in iHelp 2024 on October 5th from 10am – 4pm!
Presented by Student Alumni Ambassadors, iHelp is the signature campus-wide day of service in the fall that brings together students, their surrounding community, and university alumni in an organized effort to create a culture of giving at the University of Illinois. Each year, over a thousand students come together to assist dozens of agencies across the Champaign-Urbana area in a display of gratitude to the community we call home. The Student Alumni Ambassadors (SAA) handle the logistics of the event, advertise the availability of volunteers to service agencies, and recruit students to participate. We strive to encourage students to realize the effect they have on the community via service in order to better not just the city, but also themselves.
Register now! Whether you want to get your RSO involved or just yourself, we would love to have you! All registration forms and other event info can be found at https://www.illinisaa.com/ihelp . Please reach out to us with any questions at illinivpoutreach@gmail.com.
Undergraduate Research Workshops
Check out workshops offered by the Office of Undergraduate Research. You’ll find a list here with schedules and registration links (space is limited)!