paid internship opportunity! Deadline approaching
For the 23-24 academic year, the Department of English is looking to hire a Social Media Management Intern from any major in the English Department. This is a great opportunity for students to apply their love of writing and literature while gaining valuable media-writing experience.
Eligibility: Undergraduate in the Department of English with at least Sophomore standing for AY23-24
Position Responsibilities:
Develop creative thematic post series for Facebook and Instagram
Promote, attend, and create social media posts about department events when safety allows
Design flyers, memes, and other posts for informing and entertaining students
Develop creative semester-long multimodal projects
Attend weekly meetings for brainstorming, task assignments, and collaboration
Edit videos and design flyers or posts
Collaborate with Advising Office in creating content
Conduct and publish interviews with faculty, alumni, students, and visiting speakers
Average hours worked per week: 5 (about 75 hours over a semester)
Position Wage: $13/hour.
Position Starts: August 22
Recommended Skills and Experience:
Concise and catchy writing
Writing for social media
Develop and follow-through on creative ideas
Tailor message and style to genre and audience
Visual design
Work independently
Interpersonal communication
Word, Publisher, Adobe, photo & video editing
Photography, video, and editing skills a plus
To Apply: Submit a resume and cover letter. Application materials can be addressed to John Dudek, Associate Director of Creative Writing, and sent as email attachments to jdudek4@illinois.edu by no later than 9:00 am on Monday, March 27 (deadline extended).
Drop-in Career Counseling with Julie in EB 200!
Stop by for brunchy treats and a one-on-one chat with Julie about possible career paths, internships and other professional development opportunities, your job search, or whatever else you need help with. No need to register in advance, though if you want to fit in some academic advising as well, you can schedule an in-person appointment during that time with Anna by calling 217-333-4346.
Date: March 28 (Tuesday)
Time: 10am-noon
Place: EB 200
Medieval Movie Knights presents Ladyhawke
Join us for this Spring’s Medieval Movie Knights! On Friday, March 24, at 5:30 PM in Room 1028, Lincoln Hall, we will be screening the film Ladyhawke (1985). The film will be followed with a discussion about medievalisms, gender, the non/human, and the occult! As always, this event is open to anyone and everyone—undergraduates, graduates, faculty, and community members alike are welcome and encouraged to participate. We will have snacks (but not dinner), and we look forward to seeing you then!
Questions? Contact Meg Cornell (meganec3@illinois.edu), Jamie Keener (jkeener2@illinois.edu), or Modje Taavon (mtaavon2@illinois.edu).

National Name Exchange
The Graduate College invites University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign undergraduate and master’s students to enroll in the National Name Exchange. The National Name Exchange was established to help match graduate schools with students from historically underrepresented racial and ethnic groups interested in graduate education. The National Name Exchange seeks to:
- Increase the number of qualified students from underrepresented groups accepted into graduate school.
- Improve student access to information on graduate school opportunities.
- Work towards personalizing the recruitment effort by designating a National Name Exchange institutional representative to facilitate information exchange between the institution and prospective students.
- Assist graduate schools in identifying qualified candidates from underrepresented groups for consideration for graduate study.
The NNE enrollment portal is now open for the 2023 year. Students can now enroll in the National Name Exchange database. The password to access the student portal is NNE2023.
Qualifying students must be enrolled at a participating Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) member institution (Illinois is a member institution), maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above, and be from a group historically underrepresented in higher education (qualifying groups can be found here). Students who decide to participate will be asked for their consent to share their information with other participating CGS institutions.
Sigma Tau Delta Informal Research Symposium Presentation Night
Have a project you’ve been working on? A paper in class or independent study that you want to share with your peers? Sign up for Sigma Tau Delta’s first-ever informal research symposium to present your work at the end of April! Final date will be determined after participants provide their availability.
Please fill out the questions in this form so we can gauge interest: https://forms.gle/jLoePtrsoErMcenc8. Presentations can be on research, creative, and/or personal projects. Questions? Email sigmataudeltaillinois@gmail.com.
Women’s History Scavenger Hunt!
Join Women’s Resources Center in exploring the contributions made to the Illinois campus by participating in the WHM Scavenger Hunt! Complete the campus scavenger hunt for a chance to win a Women’s History Month prize!
Steps to participate:
1. follow the link
2. pick a campus building to explore
3. Take a photo of the building, yourself inside/outside of the building
4. Post your photo on instagram and tag @wrcillinois or email the photo to baumstr2@illinois.edu
5. Find out if you won on March 31! Instructions & buildings here: https://go.illinois.edu/WHMscavengerhunt

Don’t Forget These!
Teacher licensure: Golden Apple Scholars Program Recruitment
Get up to $23,000 in total financial assistance and stipends and become a teacher in Illinois! For more information about the benefits, eligibility requirements, and application, visit https://www.goldenapple.org/scholars.

Illinois Neurodiversity Initiative (INI)
If you need accommodations to be successful in college, INI could be a good resource. See the flyer below:

Sourcebooks summer internships
Some summer internships are available at Sourcebooks. For more information, visit https://read.sourcebooks.com/careers.html
Open positions at ravinia festival
Ravinia is looking for talented individuals who are able to start working sooner than later. Here’s a list of what’s currently open, with more being added by the week:
Ravinia Steans Music Institute
Program Assistant, Ravinia Steans Music Institute
Coordinator, Ravinia Steans Music Institute
Production and Artistic
Production Assistant
Assistant Production Coordinator
Development Seasonal Assistant, Auxiliary Boards
Development Intern, Major Gifts
Development Intern, Corporate Relations
Guest Services
Confidential Advisors @ BNAACC, La Casa, & WRC
The Women’s Resources Center (WRC) is the designated confidential campus resource related to sexual assault/rape, sexual harassment, stalking and abuse within a relationship (sometimes called dating or domestic violence). That means when they talk with students, staff, and faculty who have experienced harm, they make sure you get what you need and on your terms! There are several Confidential Advisors at the WRC who can provide you – or someone looking to support you – with support and advocacy services. They also have two Confidential Advisors embedded at BNAACC and La Casa two days/week.
Embedded Advocate Hours:
Tuesday and Wednesday 10am – 4pm @ BNAACC
Wednesday 1pm – 5pm and Thursday 10am – 4pm @ La Casa
Advising available by appointment | Monday – Friday @ the WRC
Hours may vary. Walk-in appointments offered as available.
Learn more about Advocacy & Support Services, here.
Friday Forum + Conversation Café
Please join Diversity & Social Justice Education this spring as Diversity & Social Justice Education (Conversation Café) continues to partner with the University YMCA (Friday Forum) for Our Community in Action: Advancing Social Justice in Champaign-Urbana and Beyond. We will be hearing from community leaders tackling our most pressing public concerns through an unwavering pursuit of social justice.
Fridays Noon – 1PM at the University YMCA, 1001 S. Wright St., Champaign

Interested in Volunteering with the Gender & Sexuality Resource Center?
Are you interested in volunteering with the Gender & Sexuality Resource Center?
Join a Student Planning Committee today and become more involved in the community! Check out the 3 available student committees for this semester:
Speaking Queerly Planning Committees
Speaking Queerly: Love, Sex, and Dating (5 volunteers)
Speaking Queerly: All Things Drag (5 volunteers)
Lavender Congratulatory Planning Committee (5 volunteers)
To learn more and sign-up visit: https://go.illinois.edu/VolunteerAtGSRC
Bailey Unpaid Internship Scholarship
The University YMCA’s Fred S. Bailey Unpaid Internship Scholarship program provides scholarship funding to University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign undergraduate students who accept unpaid internships with public service agencies and not for profit organizations. The Application Opens on March 1, 2023! For more information and to apply, visit https://universityymca.org/bailey/intern/.

Office of Conferences and Special Events
The Office of Conferences & Special Events will be hiring several students to join the 2023 Summer Conference Team. There are a variety of full-time and part-time positions available ranging from Conference Clerk to Conference Coordinator. Summer housing, hourly pay, and discounted meals are included.
For more information, go to: go.illinois.edu/csejobs2023

Writers Workshop Resources
You can make use of the Writers Workshop resources. See the flyers below:

Summer Institute for the Languages of the Muslim World (SILMW)
Summer Institute for Languages of the Muslim World will be held from June 12-August 5, 2023.
Session includes
• Arabic, Persian, Swahili, Turkish, and Wolof courses
• Small class sizes and dedicated faculty and staff
• Immersive experience, complete with instruction
• Cultural activities, opportunities for language practice, conversation tables,
cooking classes, movie nights, and more!
Program registration deadline May 7, 2023
Apply and earn up to 10 credits! To apply, visit https://linguistics.illinois.edu/academics/less-commonly-taught-languages/arabic/application-and-registration. For more information contact silmw@illinois.edu
OMSA Free Tutoring Class List
OMSA tutoring is free to all UIUC undergrads. For more information and the list of classes, see the flyer below:

Library Workshops, events, and services
With the start of Spring 2023, the University Library has been busy planning and scheduling workshops, consultation services, programs, and other helpful things for students. For information about the events and workshops visit events calendar as well as Savvy Researcher workshops.
You can find some highlighted workshops and services below:
Research Consultations
Research consultations start again this Sunday! Students can receive help with their research papers, ranging from brainstorming a topic to synthesizing their sources. Consultations are from 4-9pm, Sunday-Thursday, and are geared towards first- and second-year students.
Speaking Center
The Speaking Center opens again this week! Students can sign up for a consultation to work one-on-one with a trained Speaking Consultant to improve presentations and speeches, attend workshops focused on building lasting speaking skills, or participate in language sessions to build foreign language skills. Upcoming workshops include “Coping with Speech Anxiety” and “Nonverbal Communication for Presentations.“
Academic Success Series and Student Success Workshops
The Academic Success Series is in collaboration with the Counseling Center, and covers topics like “Healthy Relationships,” “Imposter Syndrome,” and more. Student Success Workshops will include some repeats from the fall, like “Study Skills for Neurodiverse Students,” and “Budgeting 101,” and also introduce new workshops, like “Using and Creating a LinkedIn Profile.”
Inclusive Speaker Series: Salvatore De Sando
Funded by the Library Innovation and Seed Grant, this series highlights members of the UIUC community who have done important work highlighting underrepresented voices. Salvatore will be the first in this speaker series, and will present on Feb. 14th at noon, via zoom.
Family Study Room
For students who are parents or caregivers, there is a space for them in the Main Library! Students can bring their kids with them to the Library, and can also check out Family Kits, a playpen, or children tablets for their children to play with while they study.
Introduction to Library Resources for Literary Studies
Are you new to UIUC? Do you need some help figuring out how to do research? Do you find it difficult to access library resources that can help you to succeed in courses? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, please consider attending “Introduction to Library Resources for Literary Studies.” This one-hour session will teach you to use a variety of library services and features (e.g. Inter-library loan, requesting books, accessing articles, and scheduling a research consultation). To participate, visit https://uiuc.libcal.com/calendar/savvy?cid=15337&t=m&d=2023-02&cal=15337&inc=0 and select a session that works for you. Can’t find one? Let Matt Roberts in the Literatures and Languages Library know, and he will reach out to you with more information to receive the instruction that you need.
Matt will continue to offer office hours for students. You can also schedule a consultation with him, but he will be free each Monday from 12-2 to talk with you.
NSP is hiring Orientation Leaders!
New Student Programs is looking for undergraduate students to serve as Orientation Leaders to help them welcome the Fall 2023 new students! For position description and link to apply, see below:

Find peer mentoring at the Lisnek LAS Hub
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays, First Floor of Lincoln Hall, Behind the marble staircase
Peer mentors help LAS students access opportunities to gain hands-on experience. Drop-in for a casual conversation about exploring student organizations, undergraduate research, volunteer opportunities, study abroad, internships, and more. Learn how to access resources and apply to opportunities.
Our old friends at the Humanities Professional Resource Center (now LAS Career Services) are still in Greg Hall 105 and available to meet with students to talk about professional development opportunities, career planning, and general life stuff of the “what am I doing here?” variety. See their website for contact info and event announcements.