Weekly Round-Up

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Join us for an outdoor welcome event!

Come to the outdoor Welcome Event for English and Creative Writing Majors on Thursday, September 2nd! It will be hosted by English Student Council (ESC) and there will be free pizza, board games, and crafts, including bracelet-making, button-making, and bookmark-decorating. Stop by anytime from 5:30-7:00 p.m. outside the English Building to hang out with ESC and your fellow English department students!  All are welcome. If you do plan to attend, please RSVP by 5pm next Tuesday so we can get an idea of how many people we’re feeding.  We look forward to seeing many of you there!

information session for english honors society

Interested in exploring how you can use your English/Creative Writing degree? Dreaming of speaking at international conferences on literature? Want to make friends with other students in your major? Join us on Zoom this Tuesday (08/31) at 7 p.m. or Wednesday (09/01) at 6 p.m. to learn more about Sigma Tau Delta (English Honors Society).

At this meeting, we’ll discuss our social activities, writing and publishing opportunities, professional development sessions, and more!

Employers panel

(PS you could go to this and THEN stop by the welcome event!)

Meet the Employers Who Want to Meet You
Thursday, September 2, 5pm
223 Gregory Hall

Corporations send representatives come to the the U of Illinois campus to meet and recruit  undergraduate students for internships or jobs. These positions require skills that you cultivate as a humanities major, and these employers want to meet you. 

Come to this event to meet three such employers. Learn about why these employers recruit here, what they’re looking for, and how a job or internship with them connects to the skills you acquire in your major and your goals for yourself. Come with your questions about the hiring process and learn how to improve your career readiness.

Here’s the lineup for the event:

Mark Moran, Site Director for John Deere Technology Innovation Center and Advanced Sensing Lead for John Deere (MoranMarkD@JohnDeere.com)

Anna Burdi, Senior Campus Recruiter at Addison Group (Anna.Burdi@addisongroup.com)

Steve Baker, Lab Manager-Cat Digital (Baker_Steven_L@cat.com)

  • Welcome and Overview of Panel Goals and Logistics
  • Introduction of Panelists and Moderator
  • Panelists take 3-4 minutes each to share about their industry, company and the types of professional development and career opportunities they offer students (e.g. summer leadership programs, internships and full-time roles)
  • Moderator asks a few questions to get the discussion started.
  • Open Q&A and discussion between students and panelists
HPRC Virtual Drop-Ins coming soon!

The incomparable Julie Higgs from the Humanities Professional Resource Center will be holding virtual “drop-in” hours on Mondays from 2-4 starting August 30.  You can join her in her zoom office to ask questions about career development generally or to get help with a specific task.  

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 833 5785 8858
Password: HPRCengl

prepare to Apply for Illinois Club Scholarships

The Illinois Club awards a number of scholarships annually.  The following three are open to rising juniors and seniors in all majors including English and creative writing (one is specifically for pre-teaching students): 

Global Focus Award
Open to any major. Applicants must have international experience or an internationally focused program of study. For example: second-language study, study abroad, internships or volunteering abroad, international career plans. Applicants must demonstrate how their internationally focused work and/or volunteer plans will make a difference in the world.

Humanities and Social Sciences Award
Open to all students majoring or minoring in the Humanities or Social Sciences. Applicants must demonstrate the benefits that studying the Humanities or the Social Sciences provides to themselves and their community. 

Isabelle Purnell Education Award
Open to students earning a Secondary Education Certificate or College of Education majors. Applicants must demonstrate how they hope to make a difference in the classroom and in students’ lives.

Application opens September 7 at go.illinois.edu/TICScholarship
Deadline is October 16. 

You must be an undergraduate at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, have earned at least 60 credit hours by the beginning of the Spring 2022 semester, and graduate no earlier than December 2022.

A minimum GPA of 3.0 at both the time of application and winning of award is also required.

Contact: scholarship@theillinoisclub.org

News writers wanted

The College of LAS Office of Communications and Marketing is seeking news interns to help keep print and online audiences informed on the activities of alumni and the latest developments on campus. Are you able to write well and accurately by a deadline? Are you comfortable conducting interviews? Does the idea of covering research, teaching, and student life in the largest college on campus appeal to you? If so, apply here. 

atlas internship program

ATLAS is interviewing for the Fall 2021 semesterApplications are accepted from all undergraduate LAS studentsOpen positions include content creation, social media strategist, communications, and website content. Internships consist of a minimum of 10 hours a week and can be online, in personor hybrid. If you are interested, apply here.


Alternating Mondays from Noon – 1pm (with free lunch) at the Women’s Resources Center, 616 E. Green Street, Suite 202 (next to McDonalds)

Each semester the Women’s Resources Center (WRC) hosts a (free!) lunch and learn series with speakers, lecturers, and panelists who explore a variety of topics at the intersection of gender and other social identities. Dish It Up and the Lunch on Us series offers a unique opportunity for students to engage with their peers in a rewarding discussion of identity, social phenomena, and justice on campus.  The first lunch is on Monday, August 30. 

Boost your leadership skills

The Illinois Leadership Center (ILC)is now offering i-Programs in three formats: blended (half online/half in-person), traditional (fully in-person), and online self-paced. For more details about these different formats and program descriptions, please visit https://leadership.illinois.edu/i-programs.

Need to talk to someone? 

The Counseling Center has resumed face-to-face services for all counseling modalities except group (which will remain on Zoom). They are also offering online scheduling for initial appointments and you are also welcome to reach out to the embedded LAS counselor, Andy Novinska, at anovinsk@illinois.edu

New Career Center Podcast

The Career Center has a new podcast titled “Career Qualified” that is now fully available and live on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

The goal of this podcast is to speak with industry recruiters and pose commonly asked questions about career development themes (resumes, career fairs, LinkedIn, interviewing, etc.), so that students can understand a behind-the-scenes perspective from recruiters and how they can leverage this in their own professional development. This podcast is meant to be conversational, approachable, and accessible for students at all levels and all majors. The first episode was just released this morning and is all about ‘LinkedIn and Virtual Branding,’ via a conversation with a recruiter. 

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