Digital making log: Week 4

This week we utilized scanning equipment to scan our heads for 3D printing. We had classmates scan our faces onto a cloud, and then we took those scans and scaled them in our modeling software.

From there we could do anything to our 3D mugs. We could put hats on, type our names into our foreheads – anything. I wanted to go the practical route and inserted a hole into my head, making it a fine mug.

From there, I flattened the back-side of my head and printed two additional components: a plank and a handle. When all three components were printed, I simply glued it together. Check it out:



Of course, it probably isn’t safe to drink out of this, so I think I’ll just use it as a coin cup for now.

What I’ve learned

This new print has propelled me farther than I was before Not only can I print something, but I now also can print multiple things separately as long as they’re scaled to fit together just right.

I also know how to use scanning equipment, so if I ever want to, I can get an app and accessory for my roommates iPad and start doing these scans myself!

With this knowledge in my backpocket, I’m thinking I can continue to grow, most importantly, in learning how to model well.

I may never be able to produce something as complex as a face without the assistance of a scanner, but maybe I can get close enough.