Infusion of Knowledge

With the start of any new software, it takes lots of time and effort to get familiarized with all of the little details. So far, it’s been 2 weeks and I’m still in awe of how many features it has to offer. Last week we went through a workshop on how to construct a lamp in Fusion 360. Lots of questions were asked and I had some trouble on the final step of constructing the shade, as you can see below.


The lamp tutorial captured the overall gist of Fusion 360 very well, but there was still more that I needed to learn. I had no trouble designing the screw with thread so I decided to try something that was more complex.

The headphones were more challenging and incorporated more aspects of Fusion 360 than the screw, which helped get myself comfortable with the program. I experienced some problems bridging the headphones together which may be due to an error made in extruding the initial stem so it wasn’t able to print. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough time left for me to redo it, so here’s the final product:


Instead of printing the headphones, I made a simple form in Fusion 360 and imported it into Tinkercad to add decorative holes on the surface. I made it with the intent to be used as a pencil holder or a mini flower pot. When printed it may be sized down, but it could still be useful as a coin holder.

fp  fp1 fp2

Fusion 360 has helped my designing capabilities and I still have a lot more to learn from it. It’s very quick and easy-to-use once acquainted with and I’m excited to get to that point after some more experimentation.

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