Learning Autodesk 360 has been a challenge. I was slow to start during the workshop, but found hope following the youtube video for the screw. On Tuesday, I decided to make a new rendering, instead of printing out the boring screw. My decision came with a couple challenges, what to make and how to perfect the design. I went through a couple ideas before going with a toothbrush and toothpaste holder. The design comes together with two holes, one for my toothbrush and one for a tube of toothpaste. I use a Sonicare, so I customized the size of one of the holes to fit the base of the toothbrush, and the other hole is bigger to accommodate all sizes of toothpaste tubes. A look at the holder below:
So after struggling in the workshop, to smoothly making the screw, I landed somewhere in the middle making my toothbrush holder. I was challenged when trying to size the holes perfectly for my brush, and making the design look good, with sharp angles and curved corners. Overall I feel like my holder is a success and has furthered my skills with Autodesk.