Nov. 11: Saavy Researcher Workshop—ABBYY Finereader: An Introduction to OCR

All are welcome to attend the Savvy Researcher Workshop on ABBYY Finereader on Wednesday, November 11th in the Main Library. Register for the event on the Savvy Researcher Workshops website prior to attendance here.

ABBYY Finereader: An Introduction to OCR

Victoria Henry

November 11th, 1-1:50pm

314 Main Library

ABBYY FineReader is an Optical Character Recognition Software (OCR) that is able to scan and convert images and scanned documents into editable, searchable formats. OCR helps your computer to recognize letter shapes in a scanned document and turn them into text you can copy and edit as needed. This allows researchers to extract information from documents quickly and easily. OCR also enables these texts to be used in key data and text mining projects. This workshop will give attendees a basic understanding of how they could use optical character recognition software in their research as well as give them a chance for some hands-on experience using ABBYY FineReader in the Scholarly Commons.

Nov 11: Savvy Researcher Workshop — Principles of Text Encoding in the Humanities using TEI

All are welcome to attend the Savvy Researcher Workshop on the principles of text encoding using TEI on Wednesday, November 11th in the Main Library. Register for the event on the Savvy Researcher Workshops website prior to attendance here.

Principles of Text Encoding in the Humanities using TEI

Eleanor Dickson

November 11th, 3-3:50pm

314 Main Library

The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) is the humanities-centric XML standard for encoding digital text. Participants will learn the principles of text encoding with the TEI Guidelines, and receive an introduction on how to start creating transcriptions for digital humanities projects focused on scholarly editions and textual analysis. All experience levels welcome, though beginners should consider attending the introductory XML workshop to prepare.

Nov 3: Savvy Researcher Workshop—Introduction to the HathiTrust Research Center Portal for Text Mining Research

All are welcome to attend the Savvy Researcher Workshop on the HathiTrust Research Center and its uses in text mining on Tuesday, November 3rd in the Main Library. Register for the event on the Savvy Researcher Workshops website prior to attendance here.

Introduction to the HathiTrust Research Center Portal for Text Mining Research

Eleanor Dickson

November 3rd, 11-11:50

314 Main Library

Students and researchers today have access to massive amounts of digitized text from the world’s research libraries.  Access to this growing digital record of human knowledge provides researchers with an unprecedented opportunity, but working with such material requires new tools to effectively analyze digitized text at so large a scale. This workshop will introduce cutting-edge software tools and cyberinfrastructure that are being developed at the Hathi Trust Research Center (HTRC)* to meet these needs in the context of the digitized text collection of the Hathi Trust Digital Library, currently comprising more than 11 million digitized volumes.

April 22: Scholarly Commons Digital Humanities Lunch Forum on GIS

Scholarly Commons Digital Humanities Lunch Forum: “Getting Going: DIY GIS in Scholarship and the Classroom”

John Randolph, professor, Department of History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Time:  11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Place:  308 Library

Join us in the Scholarly Commons on Wednesday, April 22nd at 11:30 a.m. for a Digital Humanities Lunch Forum session with John Randolph, professor in the Department of History at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. John Randolph will describe his efforts to use spatial analysis techniques, as a non-GIS specialist, in the study and teaching of Russian history.

Light refreshments will be provided and attendees are welcome to bring their lunches.

Hosted by the Scholarly Commons, University Library, with thanks to a generous gift from the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics.

Questions? Contact Harriett Green at

October 13: Getting Started with R workshop

Jump start your research with R, the open source programming language and software environment for data analysis. On October 13th, Seth Robbins will lead a Getting Started with R workshop at the Scholarly Commons. From the Commons website:


“R is powerful, free and extensible statistical software that has become an increasingly important tool for researchers and students engaging in data analysis. In this workshop, we’ll demonstrate how to get up and running with R using RStudio and explore using R’s built-in functions for solving basic statistical problems.”

The event is free and open to all. Participants are encouraged to pre-register on the Scholarly Commons website. Hope to see you there!

WHAT:  Getting Started with R workshop

DATE: Monday, October 13

TIME: 1:00-1:50 p.m.

LOCATION: Scholarly Commons, 314 Main Library (take the stairs/elevator on the Wright Street side of the building)

Getting Started with R is offered through the Scholarly Commons’ Savvy Researcher workshop series. For other Savvy Researcher events, see the SC event calendar.

October 24: Victoria Stodden for Open Access Week

Dr. Victoria Stodden: “Opportunities and Challenges for Open Data and Code: Facilitating Reproducibility”

Thursday, Oct 24, 2013
9:30 am – 11:30 am

Alice Campbell Alumni Center Ballroom, 601 South Lincoln Avenue, Urbana

Refreshments at 9:30
Talk and Conversation from 10-11:30

The University Library invites the campus community to join a conversation with Victoria Stodden (Columbia University) on “Opportunities and Challenges for Open Data and Code: Facilitating Reproducibility”.

Known for her research and policy work on open data and reproducible science, Victoria Stodden is an assistant professor of Statistics at Columbia University and with the Columbia University Institute for Data Sciences and Engineering. After pursuing degrees at Stanford in Statistics and Law, her research has focused on the problem of enabling reproducibility in computational science. Victoria has developed the acclaimed “Reproducible Research Standard,” a suite of open licensing recommendations for the dissemination of computational result and is the co-founder of RunMyCode, an “open platform for disseminating the code and data associated with published results, and enabling independent and public cloud-based verification of methods and findings.” She serves on the National Academies of Science Committee on “Responsible Science: Ensuring the Integrity of the Research Process” and on the National Science Foundation’s Advisory Committee on Cyberinfrastructure (ACCI).

For more information, see

Learn more about Open Access Week events!

Sponsored by the Scholarly Commons of the University Library and made possible through a generous gift from the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics.


Digital Humanities Symposium

Library Scholarly Commons, 306 Library

October 4, 2012, 8:30 a.m. – noon

Join us on October 4th for the Digital Humanities Symposium at the Scholarly Commons to learn more about digital humanities concepts, tools, and current research projects at UIUC!

This half-day morning symposium on October 4th will feature talks and break-out sessions led by UIUC faculty and researchers pursuing digital humanities research, including professors Ted Underwood, Dianne Harris, Mara Wade, and Donna Cox.  The symposium will cover a diverse array of topics in digital humanities, including:

– Bibliotech: digital humanities at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library

– Art and visualization technologies

– Digital humanities in the classroom

– Emblematica Online: a NEH-funded collaborative project in digital humanities

– Text mining tools and research

– How to use Omeka in research and teaching

– Library services and tools for data research and data curation

– Working with I-CHASS and finding funding for your projects

– Images and digital scholarship

Coffee and breakfast refreshments will be provided. We look forward to seeing you on October 4th!