Oct. 29: IPRH Digital Humanities Reading Group

Mark your calendars!

The next meeting date for the IPRH’s Digital Humanities Reading Group will be on Thursday October 29th. This month we will be discussing the intersection of cultural criticism and topic modeling within Digital Humanities in anticipation of Nicole Brown’s DH Brown bag “Black Women Big Data: Utilizing Topic Modeling to Understand Black Women’s Lived Experience” on November 5.

Date & Location:

Thursday October 29th from 2:30-4:00PM
Room 341 of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) Building

Related Events:
DH Brownbag “Black Women Big Data: Utilizing Topic Modeling to Understand Black Women’s Lived Experience” on November 5.

Readings for discussion:

DiMaggio, P., Nag, M. and Blei, D. “Exploiting affinities between topic modeling and the sociological perspective on culture? Application to newspaper coverage of U.S. government arts funding”, Poetics 41 (2013): 570-606

Lui, A. 2012. “Where is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities?”, In M. Gold (ed), Debates in Digital Humanities, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis (2012). Available at http://dhdebates.gc.cuny.edu/debates/text/20

For reference:

New to the group?

We are interested in developing critically grounded perspectives on what it means to do digital humanities work in various institutional contexts. As a starting point, we will examine some prominent pieces that discuss themes related to defining, critiquing, practicing, and teaching “digital” humanities. We hope to supplement these readings with additional perspectives informed by the interests, scholarship, and work of those who do digital humanities on campus. Visit our webpage at http://cirss.lis.illinois.edu/Group/group.php?id=1 or view past reading selections at https://www.zotero.org/groups/reading_dh/

[Posted on behalf of the DH Reading Group.]