2013 Digital Forensics Curriculum Standards Workshop
TheĀ 1st International Workshop on Digital Forensics Curriculum Standards (DFCS) was held May 20-21, 2013 in Urbana-Champaign, IL. The workshop’s goal was to serve as a forum for discussion of digital forensics curriculum standardization, bringing together representatives from digital forensics standardization organizations and educators from universities and colleges that have established digital forensics curricula or are considering adopting them. By leveraging the University of Illinois’ own experiences in developing the digital forensics program, as well as the diverse perspectives and experiences of the participants, attendees were able to discover a common ground of what people would accept as a curriculum standard, and what roadblocks they face for widespread adoption. Illinois hosted this workshop as a key step in the creation of an all-new digital forensics curriculum, which will be developed at Illinois but that they intend to disseminate broadly as a standardized approach. The workshop consisted of presentations, panel discussions, and breakout sessions focused on defining and evaluating the critical pedagogical elements of various topic areas (such as file system forensics, network forensics, mobile device forensics, and evidentiary issues), techniques for teaching them, and challenges educators are likely to face when developing them.
The workshop was organized by Illinois Professors Roy Campbell and Masooda Bashir.