[in progress manuscripts]
Chen, C. & Hyde, D.C. (under revision). Understanding of exact equality emerges after and builds on symbolic number knowledge. [preprint]
Abreu-Mendoza, R., Barner, D.,… Hyde,D.C., w/100+ co-authors. (accepted, Stage 1 Registered Report). ManyNumbers1: A multi-lab international study of number word knowledge. Developmental Science. [preprint]
Liu, Y., Moss, E., Ting, F., & Hyde, D.C. (2025). Neural sensitivity to others’ belief states in infancy predicts later explicit theory of mind reasoning in childhood. Cortex, 184, 96-105. [link] [preprint]
Chen, C., Berteletti, I., & Hyde, D.C. (2024). Neural evidence of core foundations and conceptual change in preschool numeracy. Developmental Science, 27(6), e13556. [link] [preprint]
Wu, J., Oh, D., Hyde, D.C., & Pomerantz, E. (2024). Cognitive and motivational numeracy parenting practices: Implications for children’s numeracy engagement during early elementary school. Developmental Psychology, 60(4), 680-692.[link] [preprint]
Chen, C., Jang, S., Piazza, M., & Hyde, D.C. (2023). Characterizing exact arithmetic abilities before formal schooling. Cognition, 238, 105481.[link] [preprint]
Hyde, D.C. (2023). Cognitive Neuroscience: An abstract sense of number in the infant brain. Current Biology, 33(10), R400-R402. [link][preprint]
Mou, Y., Zhang, B., & Hyde, D.C. (2023). Directionality in the relation between approximate and symbolic numeracy in preschool-aged children. Child Development, 94(2) e67-e84.[preprint] [link]
Aran, O., Garcia, S., Hankin, B.L., Hyde, D.C., & Poggi Davis, E. (2023). Signatures of emotional face processing measured by event-related potentials in 7-month-old infants. Developmental Psychobiology, 65(2), e22361. [link]
Liu, Y., Sanchez Hernandez, F., Ting, F., & Hyde, D.C. (2022). Comparing fixed array and functionally defined channel of interest approaches to the analysis of infant fNIRS data. NeuroImage, 261, 119520.[pdf][link][preprint]
Schuwerk, T., Kampis, D., …Hyde, D.C., w/ 50+ co-authors. (accepted, Stage 1 Registered Report). Action anticipation based on an agent’s epistemic state in toddlers and adults. Child Development. [preprint]
Hyde, D.C. (2021). The emergence of a brain network for numerical thinking. Child Development Perspectives, 15(3), 168-175.[link] [preprint]
Hyde, D. C., Mou, Y., Berteletti, I., Spelke, E.S., Dehaene, S., & Piazza, M. (2021). Testing the role of symbols in preschool numeracy: An experimental computer-based intervention study. PLoS ONE, 16, e0259775.[link][preprint]
Porter, C.L., Evans-Stout, C.A., Reschke, P.J., Nelson, L.J., & Hyde, D.C. (2021). Associations between brain and behavioral processing of facial expressions of emotion and sensory reactivity in young children. Developmental Science, 24(6), e13134. [link] [preprint]
Mou, Y., Zhang, B., Piazza, M., & Hyde, D.C. (2021). Comparing set-to-number and number-to-set measures of cardinal number knowledge in preschool children using latent variable modeling. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 54, 125-135. [link][preprint]
Flom, R. & Hyde, D.C. (2021). Advances in multisensory development. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 201, 104983.[link]
Jang, S. & Hyde, D.C. (2020). Hemispheric differences in arithmetic verification. Neuropsychologia, 146, 107524.[pdf][link]
Hyde, D.C., Flom, R., & Porter, C.L. (2019). Behavioral and neural foundations of multisensory face-voice perception in infancy. In L. Gogate (Ed.) Brain, Behaviour, Environment Interaction, and Development in the Early Years: Multisensory Perception and Communication. New York, NY: Routledge.
Hyde, D.C. & Simon, C.E., Nikolaeva, J.I., & Ting, F. (2018). Functional organization for theory of mind in pre-verbal infants: A near-infrared spectroscopy study. The Journal of Neuroscience, 38(18), 4264-4274. [pdf][link][preprint]
Hyde, D.C. & Ansari, D. (2018). Advances in our understanding of the development of the mathematical brain. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 30, 236-238.[link]
Mou, Y., Berteletti, I., & Hyde, D.C. (2018). What counts in preschool number knowledge: A Bayes factor analytic approach to theoretical model development. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 166, 116-133. [link][preprint]
Hyde, D.C., Simon, C.E., Berteletti, I., & , Mou, Y. (2017). The relationship between non-verbal systems of number and counting development: A neural signatures approach. Developmental Science, 20(6), e12464. [link][preprint]
Hyde, D.C. & Mou, Y. (2017). Magnitude rather than number: More evidence needed. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40, e173.[link]
Edwards, L.A., Wagner, J.B., Simon, C.E., & Hyde, D.C. (2016). Functional brain organization for number processing in preverbal infants. Developmental Science,19, 757-769. [link][pdf]
Khanum, S., Hanif, R., Berteletti, I., Spelke, E.S., & Hyde, D.C. (2016). Effects of non-symbolic approximate number practice on symbolic number abilities in Pakistani children. PLoS ONE, 11(10): e0164436.[open access]
Hyde, D.C., Berteletti, I., & Mou, Y. (2016). Approximate numerical abilities and mathematics: Insight from correlational and experimental training studies. In M. Cappelletti & W. Fias (Eds.), Progress in Brain Research: The Mathematical Brain Across the Lifespan. Vol 227, p 335-351, Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Hyde, D.C. (2016). Childhood. In H. Miller (Ed.), Sage Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hyde, D.C., Flom, R., & Porter, C.L. (2016). Behavioral and neural foundations of multisensory face-voice perception in infancy. Developmental Neuropsychology, 41, 273-292. [link][preprint]
Hyde, D.C., Aparicio Betancourt, M., & Simon, C.E. (2015). Human temporal-parietal junction automatically tracks others’ beliefs: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Human Brain Mapping, 36 (12), 4831-46. [link][pdf]
Dillon, M.R., Pires, A.C., Hyde, D.C., & Spelke, E.S. (2015). Children’s expectations about training the approximate number system. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33(4), 411-418.[link]
Hyde, D C. & Mou, Y.(2015). Neural and behavioral signatures of core numerical abilities and early numerical development. In D.B. Berch, D.C. Geary, & K. Mann Koepke (Eds.), Mathematical Cognition and Learning, Volume 2. San Diego, CA: Elsevier, pp 51-77.
Hyde, D.C. (2015). Numerosity. In A. W. Toga & R. A. Poldrack (Eds.), Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference. Volume 3, 559-564, San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
Dehlin, J.P., Galliher, R.V., Bradshaw, W.S., Hyde, D.C., & Crowell, K.A. (2015). Sexual orientation change efforts among current or former LDS church members. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62(2), 95-105.[pdf]
Hyde, D.C., Khanum, S., & Spelke, E.S. (2014). Brief non-symbolic, approximate number practice enhances subsequent exact symbolic arithmetic in children. Cognition, 131(1), 92-107.[pdf]
Hyde, D.C., Porter, C.L., Flom, R., & Stone, S.A. (2013). Relational congruence facilitates neural mapping of spatial and temporal magnitudes in preverbal infants. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 6, 102-112.[pdf]
Hyde, D.C., & Spelke, E.S. (2012). Spatiotemporal dynamics of processing non-symbolic number: An ERP source localization study. Human Brain Mapping, 33(9), 2189-2203.[pdf]
Piffer, L., Agrillo, C., & Hyde, D.C. (2012). Small and large number discrimination in guppies. Animal Cognition, 15(2), 215-221.[pdf]
Hyde, D.C. (2011). Hypothesis and theory article: Two systems of non-symbolic numerical cognition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 5:150. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2011.00150.[pdf]
Hyde, D.C., & Wood, J.N. (2011). Spatial attention determines the nature of non-verbal numerical cognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(9), 2336-2351.[pdf]
Hyde, D.C., & Spelke, E.S. (2011). Neural signatures of number processing in human infants: Evidence for two core systems underlying non-verbal numerical cognition. Developmental Science, 14(2), 360-371.[pdf]
Hyde, D.C., Winkler-Rhoades, N., Lee, S., Izard, V., Shapiro, K., & Spelke, E.S. (2011). Spatial and numerical abilities without a complete natural language. Neuropsychologia, 49(5), 924-936.[pdf]
Hyde, D.C., Jones, B.L., Flom, R., & Porter, C.L. (2011). Neural signatures of face-voice synchrony in 5-month old infants. Developmental Psychobiology, 53(4), 359-370.[pdf]
Hyde, D.C., Boas, D.A., Blair, C., & Carey, S. (2010). Near-infrared spectroscopy shows right parietal specialization for number in pre-verbal infants. NeuroImage, 53(2), 647-652. [link][pdf]
Hyde, D.C., Jones, B., Porter, C., & Flom, R. (2010). Visual stimulation enhances auditory processing in 3-month old infants and adults. Developmental Psychobiology, 52(2), 181-189.[pdf]
Hyde, D.C., & Spelke, E.S. (2009). All numbers are not equal: An electrophysiological investigation of small and large number representations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21(6), 1039-1053.[pdf]
Flom, R., Whipple, H., & Hyde, D.C. (2009) Infants’ intermodal perception of canine faces and vocalizations. Developmental Psychology, 45(4), 1143-1151.[pdf]
Schmutz, J., Hyde, D.C., Gunderson, S., Gordon, K., & Flom, R. (2005) The effects of bimodal and unimodal familiarization on infants’ memory for unimodal events. In Studies in Perception and Action XIII. H. Heft & K.L. Marsh (Eds.) Lawrence Erlbaum [pdf]