Organic Farming Methods: Ecological Advantages

According to ”The Ecological Benefits of Shade Grown Coffee” (Rice, 2010) The Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center (SMBC) states that they can now make the case that shade grown coffee production is the next best thing to having a natural forest. By studying the effects of shade grown coffee versus sun grown coffee, the SMBC was able to determine that shade grown has many more beneficial effects for the organisms that are normally displaced by other conventional farming practices. Shade grown coffee provides habitats for animals that naturally live in the areas where the coffee farm is maintained. A clear example of this can be found in Oldemar’s farm, La Bella Tica. He spoke about how monkeys come to eat the fruit from other trees on his property, rather than taking beans from the coffee plants that sustain Oldemar and his family. Furthermore, Oldemar pointed out a bee hive that has beenthriving in one of his trees for over a decade. This bee nest is what’s known as a bioindicator, indicating that Oldemar’s farm provides a suitable and stable habitat for a variety of organisms.

Along with the advantages that shade grown organic farming hason habitat for other species of animals, there are also advantages to simply farming organically. When synthetic farming, the farmer will spray many different kinds of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides to inhibit the growth and flourishment of other organisms such as bugs, rabbits, and other plants in his farm.  These chemicals can endanger or even kill the animals and plants that unfortunately come in contact with them. Using pesticides that kill larvae and grubs that can harm your crops do not just halt the grubs from devouring the crop, they can harm other organisms that then consume them and the plants themselves, this includes you!  By farming organically, you eliminate the chance of these chemicals harming other creatures, yourself, and surrounding ecosystems.


Overall, shade grown organic farming has many advantages that make it a valuable and morally sound way of producing crops. By farming in this way, you are helping to create new habitats for animals that have been displaced by synthetic farming and protecting your crops, your family, and the surrounding environment from the chemicals that are often released by traditional large-scale farming operations.

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