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Day 4 Uganda – Isingiro District (Gabi)

We started our day off early this morning leaving the Lake View Hotel around 8:30 am. Our end location for the day was the refugee settlement, Oruchinga, and in order to get there we drove over a mountain, making various stops on the way. Insert Picture: Mountain Pic on USB A member of Parliament, Honorable Alex, joined us on the trek up the mountain where we stopped first at a health center. We were able to gain incredibly useful information about the availability of medications and vaccinations provided to the community and the efforts of the health center to educate the community. On our next stop we visited a school quickly to talk to the children about water quality. I enjoyed getting to play with one of the young girls at the school who was fascinated by the tape measure I was carrying.

Measuring Tape Kid

Our third stop,at the top of the mountain, was at the village where Honorable Alex grew up, Omurutoma. The community was incredible and welcomed us with songs and dances by the children and women as well as many speeches about their excitement to get help to clean up their water. Below is a picture with videos to be posted later.

Kids Singing Pic

The next three stops will be covered later but overall it was a great day for all of us!