C2E2 is free for you to use under a academic research license. Installing C2E2 should be straightforward. C2E2 supports Ubuntu version 16.04. We have tested the installation scripts on Ubuntu. The current version of C2E2 can also work on MACos. However, the tool on MAC is not fully tested and some UI features can be fragile.
Please fill out and send email this (.docx .pdf) form to c2e2help@gmail.com.
Download from github
a) Clone C2E2 v2.1 (November 2018) repository from here [64 bit version] and the manual here.
git clone https://github.com/C2E2-Development-Team/C2E2-Tool.git
b) Navigate to that directory and run installRequirements.sh with superuser privileges. This may take a few minutes.
sudo ./installRequirements.sh
c) Launch GUI for loading, editing, and verifying models.
If any of the installation scripts fail, please try to install the required packages separately which can be found in Appendix A in the manual. Email c2e2help@gmail.com for reporting problems and support.
Earlier versions
- C2E2 v2.0.1 (November 2018) here [64 bit version] and the manual here.
- C2E2 v2.0.0 (September 2018) here [64 bit version] or here [VirtualBox Workstation image containing C2E2 v2.0.0, Password:c2e2] and the manual here.
- C2E2 v1.0 (May 2017) here [64 bit version] or here [VMware Workstation image containing C2E2 v0.05, Password:c2e2] and the manual here.
- C2E2 v0.04 (Oct 2016) here [64 bit version] or here [VMware Workstation image containing C2E2 v0.04, Password:ubuntu] and the manual here.
- C2E2 v0.03 (May 2016) here [32 bit version] or here [64 bit version] or here [VMware Workstation image containing C2E2 v0.03, Password:c2e2]
- C2E2 v0.02 (Jan 2016) here [32 bit version] here [64 bit version] here [VMware Workstation image containing C2E2 v0.02, Password:c2e2admin]
- C2E2 v0.01 (2014) here [32 bit version] here [64 bit version] here [examples for this version only]