Creating an Online Module

Where to start? What materials? How do I put it together?

DURATION (3 hours)
In this workshop you will learn the basic steps to prepare and create an online module that you can use integrated with your current course content. This module may replace or complement 1-3 hours teaching. This workshop can be completed all in one day or in three parts.

planningA. Part I: Prototype (1 hour)

i. Identify the topic
ii. Write your overview, goals and outline
iii. Determine your measures of success
iv. List materials and resources needed
v. Identify online available sources for information and assessment
vi. Select and prioritize resources


recordingB. Part II: Video and other visual online components (1 1/2 hour)

i. The art of creating visuals: develop a video or mini lectures for your module.
ii. Other digital formats that will represent your content
iii. Borrow or create: decide what resources will be borrowed and which will be created by you. The art of good borrowing: creative commons and quality materials available.

assemblingC. Part III: Putting all together (1 hour)

i. Organizing the components in a pedagogical sound way
ii. Creating activities to reinforce engagement and to ensure goal attainment
iii. Defining assessment
iv. Meeting the standards: AACSB and other standards for online courses
v. Peer Reviewing the outcome