Best Practices in Ungraded Forums
- Establish etiquette and guidelines for using forums for general discussion.
- In Q&A forums, establish clear expectations as to how soon can students expect an answer from you or your TA team.
Best Practice on Using Forums as Graded Assignments
- Set clear expectations and instructions for graded forum activity.
- If the forum activity requires students to react to other students’ posts, specify how many replies students are required to do.
- Specify deadlines for initial post, and later deadlines for replies if replies are required.
Best Practice on Grading Forum Assignments
- Create multiple forums as needed, depending on your class size.
- Consider creating a rubric to help keep assessment consistent.
- Compass 2g’s built-in rubric tool can significantly increase grading efficiency, especially if you plan to delegate forum activity grading to TAs.
- Prepare some commonly used comments for TAs to use.
- Acknowledge the positive aspects of students’ contributions, while clarifying why points get deducted.
- If you specify word count as a grading perimeter, ensure your TAs check the count on Microsoft Word, since Compass 2g’s word count can be inaccurate.
- Be lenient with English proficiency.
More Resources
- Darby, F. (2020, Aug 24). The Secret Weapon of Good Online Teaching: Discussion Forums. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
- Howard, J. (2019, May 23). How to Hold a Better Class Discussion. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
- Add a Discussion Board Link to Compass 2g Menu (UIUC Knowledge Base)