Best Practices in Combining Synchronous and Asynchronous Assignments
- Think about the teaching goals you are trying to achieve first.
- What part of the goal can students learn and respond to independently and asynchronously?
- What part of each goal is best delivered through synchronous instruction and/or real-time collaboration?
- Be clear about the deliverables expected from the asynchronous assignment.
- Synchronous assignments can be abstract sometimes, especially when it involves a discussion.
- Specify what you want your students to achieve by the end of the discussion.
- Consider make-up options for students who cannot attend synchronous session.
Bringing it all together: Sync + Async
More Resources
- Martin, F., Budhrani,K., Kumar, S., Ritzhaup, A. (2019). Award-winning faculty online teaching practices: roles and competencies. Online Learning Journal, 23(1), 184-205. Retrieved from