Block-I Theme Updates

Those of you who are using Illinois customized themes on Publish should have received an email informing you of updates that are coming today to those themes. The updates are in are now complete.

Illinois TwentyEleven, Illinois Codium, Illinois TwentyFifteen, Illinois TwentyFourteen, and Illinois Paragrams have been updated and should now display the Block I logo. There are also additional settings available in the Colors section of your customizer (Appearance->Customize from your dashboard).

Now that the themes have been updated, please check your site and use your customizer if necessary to make any desired modifications. There may be additional small changes as any oversights are found and corrected. If you find an element on your site that doesn’t appear to be styled in line with the selected theme and color scheme, feel free to let us know!

You can find more information in the knowledgebase article at

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